|Chapter 8| Egg Boy

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"Y-Y-You hair..."Bill stuttered smiling
"You-Your hairs beautiful, Beverly"Ben cut in
"Oh....right thanks"Bev smiled awkwardly
"Here pass it"Richie muttered looking over it again, "Whys it all murders and missing kids?"
You moved to sit beside Eddie as Stan looked at the papers again.
"Derry's not like any other town I've been to before....I did a study once. It turn out people die or.... disappear six times the national average"Ben sighed
"You read that?"Bev asked
"And that's just grown ups, kids are worse, way, way worse. I've got more stuff if you wanna see it"
"Holy shit"you muttered

Everyone dumped their bikes at Ben's front yard.
"Woah woah woah WOW you call this cool huh?"Richie asked as you walking into his room looking around, "no, no nothing cool"
"Well this is cool"
You looked over to Bill as he held up a map to the window.
"Right here wait no no"Richie continued along
"What's that?"Stan asked as you stood between him and Eddie looking at the wall
"Oh, that? That's the charter for the Derry township"Ben answered
"Nerd alert"Richie teased
"No actually it's really interesting, Derry started as beaver shop in-"
"STILL IS AM I RIGHT BOISS?"Richie joked, hand up
"Screw off Richie"you shook your head
"That's when the people signed the charter that made Derry, but later that wonder they all disappeared without a trace."
"No way"You muttered
"The entire camp?"Eddie asked
"There were rumours of Indians but no-no sign of an attack"Ben answered, "everybody just thought it was a plague or something but it's like one day everybody just woke up and left, the only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house"
"Jesus who'd think Derry would have unsolved mysteries?"Richie gaped
"How the- no way"
"Hey (Y/N) do you see this?"Eddie gaped looking at the clown in the photo
"That's creepy...."You muttered
"Leave my sister alone Eddie Spaghetti"Richie groaned
"Why do you think he has all of this?"Stan asked
"I don't know maybe his just trying to make some friends Stanly"Richie muttered
"W-w-where was the wellhouse?"Bill asked
"I dunno somewhere in town I guess"Bull shrugged, "why?"
"Nothing...."Bill looked up at the wall
"Well we better dash"Richie said pulling your arm
"Hey Eddie want us to walk home with you again?"You asked
"Oh no I'm fine...."Eddie blushed
"Oh-okay then"You laughed as Richie pulled you out the door

-Chapter 8-
Word count: 431
Date Written: 5-11-17

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