Untitled Part 1

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Two boys about ten years old ran around a busy villiage, dodging carraiges and sidestepping people. One boy had bright purple hair and wore black. The other had hair the color of honey and wore violet. That was his name. Violet. But everyone called him Vio but for the friend he was with, who simply called him Vi. His friend's name was Shadow, a fitting name since he could fade into and harness the power of just that. Around the neck of each boy, on a simple cord, was a ring. The rings looked the same. Vio's had an S carved onto it and Shadow's had a V. The cords were black and simple, the rings having been carved from stone by Vio's aunt before she died. The boys were both orphans, and they were the best of friends. Vio had three brothers named Blue, Red, and Green. Shadow had no living relatives but a brother named Link(the one from Breath of the Wild), who was lost and most likely no longer alive. The two were returning to the orphanage, seeing as it would be dinner time soon. Once they arrived inside the simple stone building, bustling with children from ages 2-15, they were swept into the huge dining room by two teenagers. Vio and Shadow managed to find seats by Green, Red, and Blue, who smiled at them.
"Hi Vio!" Red squeaked. He was the youngest out of the four brothers, at age seven. Blue and Green were both eleven and would constantly argue over who was the leader. Vio was, as said earlier, ten, so he was a middle child. Shadow's brother Link had been fifteen. The boy had briefly lived at the Orphanage before going missing. Link had had messy brown hair. Along with Link, the boy's friend Dark Link had also gone missing. Link and Dark link had been atattched at the hip.
 "Hi Red!" Vio said back.
 "Hi Shadow!" Red said. Shadow gave a small smile and wave. He was shy around everyone but Vio, who Shadow was comfortable around as Vio was the first person to talk to Shadow when he arrived at the orphanage.
"H-Hi R-Red." Shadow had adopted a stutter a few months ago for unknown reasons and was able to not stutter only around Vio. Red gave Shadow a smile that reached his ears. The boy gave back a big one in return, which shocked them. Before then Shadow would only respond with shy smiles. Red beamed and the orphanage started eating.


The next day was chaos. The villiage was being raided. Vio, Shadow, Red, Blue, and Green had a chance of being trampled by the people running to escape as they tried to find somewhere to hide. Shadow grabbed a dagger lying on the ground and held it so hard his knuckles turned white.
"Vio, Green, Blue, Red, i'm going to try to find out what's happening. Run." He ordered calmly. Vio was dumbstruck.
 "W-We can't just leave you here!" He cried. Shadow glanced back and smiled one last time at his friend before plunging back into the crowd.
"SHADOW!" Vio yelled, reaching for his friend. His brothers held him back and started to run, despite cries to let him go. Shadow sighed, fingered the ring around his neck, and charged. He ran forwards, almost swept backwards by the crowd. He clenched his fingers and growled,  pushing forwards as fast as he could go. Soon, he was the only person in sight. The town square was inhabited by two people. One sat atop a skeleton horse, his spine straight, looking over the town as if it was rubbish. The other had gray skin and white hair in a weird hairstyle Shadow'd never seen anyone wear before. He ran behind a house and peered through the crack. He was now behind the two, and close enough that he could hear their conversation. 
"Ghirahim, search the perimeter for people. Bring any that you find back here in chains. If they refuse... bring them limp and cold." From the tone of his voice, Shadow could tell he was smirking. The white-haired boy-Ghirahim- bowed. 
"Yes lord Ganondorf."
Shadow's eyes widened. This was the feared, powerful Ganondorf that everyone spoke of in hushed whispers for fear of invoking his presence? Shadow's grip on the dagger tightened even more, but he was careful not to break the ivory handle. His entire body shook. He couldn't do this, he wasn't strong enough! An image of Vio and his brothers shot through his mind and Shadow bit his tongue. He had to try, for his friends. He ran silently until he was behind the horse and Ganondorf directly. He jumped up higher than he thought he could and brought the dagger down, catching Ganondorf directly in the back. The horse whinnied and charged, leaving Ganondorf on the pavement. He turned to see Shadow and tried to grab him. Shadow screamed and ran as fast as he could, not catching the words Ganon spat at him.
"Your petty attack has only delayed my siege! Eventually, all of Hyrule will be mine! "

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