Do you still love him?

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Oh Reyna please stay at least for only a week! Okay staying i.n the Greeks camp wasn't so bad especially when you've got 2 loyal Romans with you,Reyna silently looked up at the sky and sighed We're just part of their game
We're the pieces of it
She closed her eyes and fiddled with her braid then she heard a sound behind her "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Reyna smiled at the Daughter of Ares as she sat beside her "Can't sleep,you?" Clarisse shook her head "How's Frank?" Reyna started "He's great,but he's just offense" Clarisse laid down the dirt and sighed "For a Roman,you're not so bad" Reyna grinned "So I've been told" then she looked at Clarisse and asked "The boy you were talking about earlier....Chris? Is he your.." Reyna read her Half Sister's expression Boyfriend "Yeah,he's the only guy I've got who is really loyal to me...ever since Silena-" Clarisse looked away not wanting to finish her sentence "I know" Reyna put a hand on Clarisse's shoulder "For a Daughter of Bellona,you're pretty calm" Clarisse remarked Oh you have no idea Reyna wanted to say then looked at Clarisse "If you don't mind me asking,who is Silena?" Clarisse smiled "was" she corrected "She was a daughter of Aphrodite,the friend who was always there for me,she-she was like my sister.....she taught me how to love" Piper's half sister Reyna thought, The Daughter of Ares smiled "At least she's with the man she loved now" Then Reyna suddenly felt as if a spear went right through her heart "Oh sorry,did I remind you of a memory?" Clarisse apologized Yes,yes you did "C'mon Praetor,you can trust me" she said Could I? Then Reyna looked away and sighed "Okay fine...." then she began telling her the ways she felt towards Jason "Ever since we were little I always admired him,being the son of Jupiter and all but after we both became Praetors he gave me a promise....he said-" She felt uneasy but continued "he would always be there for me and...when the time comes,he'll ask my hand for marriage...but ofcourse that'll never happen because-" Reyna didn't feel like finishing her sentence "It's don't have to say it" Clarisse smiled comfortingly "Y'know I've never felt like this before Reyna,you're like Silena...but Roman" she commented  "Thanks" Reyna felt like she was talking to her fellow praetor but there was a feeling that she was talking to the woman she loved and cared about,Hylla,her sister "We better get to sleep,I'm feeling we're gonna end up cleaning the stables" Clarisse joked as she rose "Why didn't ya think about that earlier?" Reyna joked back as she rose too "I did....I was just lazy enough to tell ya" Clarisse said as they both went in the cabin,They both went in their beds and got ready to sleep "Hey Clarisse?" Reyna called quietly "Yeah?" Clarisse called back "Thanks" then Clarisse smiled and welcomed her You're just like Silena.... Those words echoed in Reyna's mind,she smiled and hugged her pillow,suddenly she felt a slight bump on her throat,she checked it out and felt a necklace around her neck it had a gold pendant that had a Superman logo When you need me,I'll be your Superman Jason's voice echoed in her head then she felt something hot,she touched her face and felt something wet Tears? Her eyes were stinging as she clutched the necklace Where are you now Jason? How about your promise? Are you still MY Superman? Gods why do I always feel like this?! Reyna began to sob,the sob thst she was hiding from Piper and Jason every time she saw them together,it felt like the Gods are enjoying to see her suffer Of all people,why did you have to take Jason?! Why Juno?! It could've been me....I could've remembered Jason like Percy remembered Annabeth Reyna thought then she wiped her tears and unbraided her hair He'll never like you...He'll never love a Roman scum like you....He never loved you Reyna clenched her fist and punched the wall Stop....make it stop she cried in her head then she felt felt like wanting to get buried alive,she flopped down her bed and closed her eyes I'm fine,I'm the Praetor of the Twelfth Legion,I've faced worse things.....I'm-I'm then she touched the pendant I'm inlove....I'm inlove with Jason Grace then she drifted away hopinh she wouldn't live to see anotner day of her wretched 'love life'
"Hey Clarisse I'm next!" Sherman Yang called out as he took his towel out "Nuh-uh Yang! Ms.Roman Praetor here's next!" Mark yelled back taking his towel and soap "Says who?!"Ellis groaned from the bathroom then Reyna went down her bunk with a towel and a robe in hand "HOLY HEPHAESTUS!!" Clarisse yelled when Reyna looked at her "What?" She asked confused at her cabinmates' reactions,Sherman was laughing his head out,then Ellis came out of the bathroom wearing his usual Camp Half Blood T-Shirt and khaki shorts "Hey who's ne-" then his eyes widened "WHAT THE HADES HAPPENED TO YOU?!" He shrieked Reyna looked at them "How would I know if all of you are shrieking as if you've seen Kronos" she yelled angrily then Frank came out of the second bathroom (thanks Annabeth!) He opened his mouth then Reyna put her hand up "Frank before you scream hand me a mirror" then Frank gave her a mirror and stuttered as he exited the cabin,when Reyna looked at her reflection,her eyes widened,she had her hair down and it was everywhere there was a lot of things sticking out of her hair like chopsticks,candy wrappers,glass shatterings,thread and tiny birthday candles her clothes were splattered with different kinds of sauces and her shorts were cut with scissors,she quickly dashed to the bathroom and fixed herself "Who in Jupiter's name would do this?!" Reyna shrieked when she and Clarisse were left in the cabin "Drew Tanaka" Clarisse replied spitefully "Daughter of Aphrodite,drama queen and pretty much bribed a couple of Hermes kids to do this to you" she groaned then Reyna finished fixing herself and got ready to put her clothes on,she opened her bag and gasped in horror "Cl-Clarisse!" She cried then her friend responded "What's wro-Holy Hades that Drama Queen is literally about to die!" Reyna looked at her tattered clothes,toga and sandals "Hang on Rara I've got ya" Clarisse gave her a Camp Half Blood T-Shirt and a pair of shorts paired with red flats,which Reyna gladly accepted "Oh and here" Clarisse handed her a pink belt,bracelets and a hair clip which Reyna accepted anyway "How do I look?" Reyna sked nervously Clarisse smirked happily "Greek" Reyna went to left for the door "Let's go and punch some demigod faces" she grinned and Clarisse ran then put a hand on her shoulder "That's my sis"
"Where's Reyna?" Piper wondered as she sat with the seven and Nico,Will and Calypso (Thanks Chiron) "I don't know but I heard the Hermes kids have something to do with it" Percy commented "And Drew" Leo added as he ate his tofu "Oh that's bad,Something's literally up" Jason shook his head worriedly "Hey guys,I think something happened in the Ares cabin" Will spoke up "Yeah I heard many swearing and screaming" Calypso reported looking very worried "Oh don't worry,they're always like that" Leo assured her then Chris,Clarisse's boyfriend came "Hey,sorry to interrupt but have you guys seen Clarisse? I haven't seen her yet today" the seven and their friends looked at each other "No sorry,but we also haven't seen Reyna.....wait-" Percy looked at them nervously "Percy,I don't believe they're in danger....if they are,they're capable of taking care of themselves" Annabeth reassured them "I know what happened" Frank spoke up as he finished his breakfast "Oh and you only planned saying that now?!" Hazel yelled angrily "Okay how in Pluto would you feel when you see your fellow Praetor get pranked by some heartless demigod?! Reyna was literally a mess! Her hair was horrid,chopsticks sticking out of her hair,candy wrapers and thread then her shirt was splattered with foul smelling sauces and her shorts tattered! Clarisse is probably helping her get cleaned up" Frank reported as everyone paid attention to him"It's definetly some of the Hermes kids-no offense Chris" Nico said angrily "And absolutely commanded by Drew" Piper growled then a voice came out from behind "Yes" the others growled at the Drama Queen "And the best thing is that your friend Leo here's best invention,a monster proof phone,has been a great weapon and the most awesome thing is that we have the whole thing on video!" Then she called Valentina,her sister,and gave her the phone as the seven and their friends with Chris watched in horror as what had happened in the Ares Cabin earlier then when the video ended Nico scowled "You piece of-"before Nico could finish Will covered his mouth "Love,I know you're mad but....language!" Will exclaimed then Piper stood "Delete the video Valentina" then her charmspeak worked and before Drew could stop her Valentina erased it but Drew laughed "What are you laughing about,witch!?" Calypso and Hazel yelled "Oh as you can see your  friend,Reyna is it? Is practically hiding in shame in her cabin! And Clarisse? Maybe she's got another traitor friend" Jason punched the table angrily while Chris was held back by the Stolls "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT CLARISSE OR SILENA THAT WAY!" Chris yelled but was calmed down by the twins while Drew said something in her table that made the Drama Queens Club laugh "Oh maybe she looks like a lizard!" Drew laughed then heard a voice behind her "Who? You?" It was Clarisse then Chris quickly ran and hugged her "Don't scare me like that" he sighed as he let go of her "Oh hey where's Reyna? Your Roman friend" Drew asked spitefully making the DQC laugh and earning a glare from the other demigods "Right Here" then the Mess Hall was quiet Jason stared at her,Frank's jaw dropped,Percy's still eating blue pancakes but nodded in approval,Leo gave her a thumbs up like Good Job Sweetheart earning a death glare from the Ares Cabin the other boys from other cabins looked at Reyna as of she wasn't Roman but a Greek "How-How?" Drew stuttered then Reyna punched her in the face "That was for my clothes,"then she pumched her in the ribs causing her to squirm while the others 
Watched in disbelief "This is for insulting me" then she punched her in the abdomen "And this is for SILENA!" she quickly kicked her to the DQC table Will and the Apollo kids quickly took her to the infirmary "DEMIGODS OF THE FOLLOWIN COME TO THE BIG HOUSE.......NOW PETER JOHNSON,ANABEL CHEESE,PINKY MACARONI,JACOB GABRIEL,CHESTNUT LASSO,FREDRICK ZEBRA,LEA VERONICA,NICKY ANGEL,RARA REESES,CHRISTY,CLARA RUE AND CALYPSO" Mr.D's booming voice almost shook the Mess Hall
Reyna's new look:

D's booming voice almost shook the Mess HallReyna's new look:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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