moonday / taurus

247 26 20

i text you to ask what the moon looks like where you are
all you say is 'full'
i know that to you these things taste like apple cider vinegar
you gargle to prove you know what is best for you

the reformation happens in three parts that you have long forgotten
pain is the song pain is the dance pain is mostly me too

i know we don't speak because i remind you of the night after the party when the moon walked you all the way home and you cried to your uber driver about the color yellow

i told you i was in love you with you that night, too much to pretend like i was anything you deserved

love is a swarm of mosquitos that sucks honey water from you so you can call your mom and ask her why she didn't order repellent

the moon is a bomb-sized hole in the ceiling where i am
i plead on both knees for guernica and for your t-shirt and for myself

i wonder how some people suck on the mint leaves of another's spine
i wonder how you don't understand that all i want to do is cry

you text me to say that your air conditioning is broken and that your coconut oil is melted
you know that for me you are everything and i would buy your groceries if i could not hold your hand

it's like the happiest color, yellow, i mean it fills you up till your eyes can't close and all you can see is light

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