Chapter 8

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Don't ever be afraid to stand up for yourself, to say no to things you don't want to do. I know it's scary and I know it's particularly difficult when it's a family member or a friend who begs you to do something you really don't want to do. But trust me, you CAN stand up for yourself, you CAN say no. You should be able to say it without explaining yourself. A no is a no, after all. And you have every right to walk away from something or someone that makes you uncomfortable. No one has the right to force you into things. You know yourself better than anyone else, therefore you know what's right for you and you know what's not. So, don't ever be afraid to say no and walk away from a situation you don't want to be in.


"Pez, calm down. I get that you're worried and want to know how she's doing, but you won't get any answers from anyone by yelling at the doctors and punching the walls. All you get from that is a possible hand injury."

I reached out for her hand, but she pulled away. Running her hands through her wet hair, she plunked down on one of those uncomfortable plastic chairs in the waiting room. Feeling for the blonde, I crouched down in front of her.

"Listen to me, Perrie", I placed my index finger under her chin and lifted her head so her piercing blue eyes met mine. "You and Jesy were absolutely amazing. You took care of Leigh-Anne in a way no one in our friend group could. She's going to be okay thanks to the two of you. But it will take time. Do you hear what I'm saying, sweetheart?"

Perrie nodded, "I hear you, Jade."


Flashing her a smile, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. Perrie snaked her arms around my waist. She nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck as she hugged me tighter than she'd ever hugged me before.

"You could use a shower, Pez" I chuckled.

"Do I smell that bad, huh?"

She chuckled heartily as she broke apart from the hug. With a smile on her face, she brushed wet hair from her pretty face and tucked it behind her ears.

"Lake water doesn't smell that good, babe. It smells kind of...I actually don't know how to describe it. But it's not a nice smell, that's for sure" I said softly.

"It doesn't really matter. Explaining a smell to me is pointless given that I don't have a sense of smell. I don't even know what this ridiculously popular perfume One Million smells like" Perrie said matter-of-factly.

"You're missing out. I've never smelt something so good as One Million. Jed wears it all the time."

At the mention of my husband-to-be's name, the mood switched. Perrie became cold, distant, in a matter of seconds. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I knew she wouldn't answer. It was no use anyway. Alex and Jed, and all our friends had arrived.

Without a word, I stood up. I left Perrie and went straight to Jed. He engulfed me in a hug. Boy, did it feel good to be back in his arms.

"Are you okay, Jade? How's Leigh-Anne?" He asked worriedly.

"We don't know yet. She's still receiving treatment for the snakebite" I said simply.

"Did she wake up in the car or did she stay unconscious?" He asked softly.

"She's been out like a light since Andre came running with her in his arms."

Jed kissed my temple, then he removed his muscular arm from my body and walked up to Jesy, Jake and Andre. The rest of our friends followed suit, clearly desperate to find out how their snakebitten friend was holding up.

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