Chapter 1: New Girl, New Journey

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Author's Note:

Alright, so I've been reading fanfictions for a while now and decided "Meh, might as well do one of my own." It's my senior year in high school so I have some more time to do stuff.

I've written fanfictions in the past, and even one got pretty popular within the community of the game I based it on (it was a Brave Frontier one). However, it was pretty basic with little detail and mostly dialogue. It was still good, but I felt I could do better on it.

And now I'm here, and, after learning how to actually write well through my English classes, I'm ready to try fanfic writing again.

I haven't written a fanfiction for years, so take note of this if you want to harshly critique my story. If I have really bad grammar mistakes, it's probably because I was rushing or I'm tired.

This is going to be a fanfiction about my favorite game, Pokemon Black and White. Also, this is going to be a chessshipping (HilbertxHilda, TouyaxTouko, BlackxWhite, whatever else you call them) fanfic as it's one of my favorite ships. It'll have hints of DualRivalShipping in there too (CherenxBianca) just because I do approve of that ship and I don't want them to feel lonely. I'm going to use Touya and Touka btw, just because I like those names the best.

The story will basically be the same as it would be in the game, it's just going have both Touya and Touko in it. I'll twist the story a bit just to make sure both of them being in the story at the same time will work out.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. I wish I did, but I don't.


Playing Chess

Chapter One: New Girl, New Journey

The young, slender brunette had been sleeping in her comfortable, fluffy looking bed as her messy hair and blanket had shown she was in quite a deep sleep. However, her slumber was awakened by a quick stomping that could be heard, as well as felt, coming up the stairs. As the brunette pulled the messy blanket over her head in an attempt to ignore the abrupt event, the blanket was quickly torn off and bright light overflowed her sight. As the light dimmed down, her eyes were met by the face of an overly-energetic, green-eyed blonde girl with a smile as bright as her eyes.

"TOOUUUKOOOOOO~!" the ecstatic blondie had yelled, still having the blanket in her grip as her smile widened even further.

"Mmph... I'm right in front of you Bianca...You don't need to yell so loud..." Touko sleepily mumbled, trying to pull the blanket back down as her eyes were kept shut.

"Ehehe~, sorry. But maybe if you'd get up you'd notice that everyone's getting a Pokémon today!"

Touko's blue eyes had instantly opened and widened upon hearing the words that emitted from Bianca's mouth.

"WHAAAAAATTTTTT!?" Touko had jumped out of bed, rushing to her closet as she began to search through her whole pile of clothes that she had never really bothered organizing while tossing out the clothing she didn't feel like wearing. It was as if she was using Dig and burying herself down into her clothing pile.

Bianca had giggled while watching the brunette fumble around trying to find something to wear.

"You know, maybe if you bothered actually neatly putting away your clothes you'd be able to find what you want to wear."

"I just moved here last week, gimme some slack. Besides, I don't wanna hear that from a girl who tried to lick the Professor's Vanillite thinking it was a Casteliacone." Touko had smirked at her comeback, thinking to herself Gonna need a burn heal after that Bianca~.

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