Chapter 8-Shocked

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When i woke up i was not in the basement i was in a room that was white. There were 3 chairs in the room with 3 people standing by them suddenly it clicked who 2 of the 3 were.  The two that I recognized were Iza and who?  I could not tell who it was i just saw his back. Was it rob? Or Steven? Who was that other guy? Why did this room look like an office? Who brought me here? What do my parents think about this incident? What will happen to me when I get out of this place? What will happen to me?

Then the stranger turned to look at me I shuddered instantly he was tall had the green-hazel eyes and the light brown with a golden tone hair, but he looked older and more in charge. He had muscle but he looked very calm and collected. He had a feeling around him that made me want to trust him. But I have told most of my story already, but they have yet to find out about my old bully in the school. 

I just didn’t want them to leave me like the rest of the people in the world had when they had found out what had happened. It explains why i threw myself in books and school and work. What am I suppose to do. 

Then the stranger talked, “Your awake finally I thought I had overdosed you on the pain medicine you went into shock in your sleep and Iza had to come and get me.”

“Why would I go into shock?”

“Because your mind and body are disagreeing with each other.”

“About what?”

“Winged wolves.”

“Why is my mind and body disagreeing?”

“Because your mind says it does not make sense and you are one so your body says it does.”

“Wait .....WHAT!!!”

“You are one.”

“Why would I be one aren’t they suppose to shift by my age?”

“Well you are Steven’s mate so I would guess that you will shift on your 16th birthday.”

“What is todays date?”

“The 15 of  September. Why?”

“Well todays the day then. What time is it?”

“I am”

“well i will guess that about 2pm i will start shifting or some time after that.”

“Why?... you were BORN TODAY!?!?!?!?” 

“yup. ”

K so i made a website with them in there wolves it is this;

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