Chapter 9

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After the incident with the doctor I was took shopping by Iza and that other girl. I found out that her name is Iris. She says that the name suites her when she has formed. But I don’t know. I found out that Iza is mated to Rob and that Iris is mated to Acelin also known as Ace they say it is french for Noble. He is the other male from school. 

I also found out the male part of the  prophecy of the blue wolves. It says that when he finds his mate he will have a hard time with her to accept the fact that she is the 2nd last blue wolf and that they need to mate to continue with the race of blue wolves. I found out that i have two male proctors that will help me in the time of need. I am like royalty. 

About noon we left the mall and came back to the house i was supposed to shift around the late afternoon. We got back and they brought me out to the back yard they all shifted in to their wolf forms i was left standing there they came closer to me. I sat down to wait they all surround me. Then Iza and Steven came closer to me to me Iza had a light blue hue around her, why? Steven was a blue wolf one of the last ones wait i am his mate doc said so. Am i  the last female blue wolf? I began to hyperventilate, doc, he was the big black wolf, came forward and tried to sooth me but it just made it worse. Then Iris, which was a purplish pinkish wolf, kind of looked a my situation and started to push them away. Doc walked behind a tree and shifted back into human form. Then he walked back to me. Then a pain hit my lower left leg i screamed out. The Doc look at me then at Steven and said, “You are starting your first shifting. it will hurt, just please don’t scream again. the pain will get worse and your screams are getting Steven’s wolf all worked up, but there is a chance that your screams will give unwanted attion to us. like those people that want the blue wolves dead. ” 

Then 3 brown wolves bursted out of the trees running at me. I was to weak to stand up and run then Ace jumped on one. Following him Rob and Steven took the other two on. they killed them quickly then Steven went and shifted quickly. He ran over to me and picked me up. He ran us back to the house and put me in the doctors office room. then the pain left very suddenly just like it had started. This pain started 3 times one in my right lower leg, one in my left foot, and the last one was the worse it was in my brain. The others when this Pain came got a very hopeful look in their eyes. But the pain always left. The last pain was so bad that i Passed put. When i woke up i was in the same room still in my human. I had this voice in my head that said ‘ I am your wolf my name is’ Then some one interrupted her ‘Are You alright?’  

I opened my eyes and saw Steven and Doc looking over me with concerned looks. Doc then said, “Rosie are you alright?”

“I-I-I t-t-think so. ”

“Steven this doesn’t match up.”

“And you think i know why,” yelled Steven. I flinched because it was so loud.

“Look what you have done,” Said Iza as she entered my line of sight. 

“Wh-h-who me? ”i asked.

“Not you my dear,”said Iris as she entered my vision line. 

“Where is ace and Rob?”i asked

“Guarding the house,” said Iza.

“D-d-d-did i shift?”

“No Not At All Which is what i don’t understand,” exclaimed the doc.

‘Calm them down,’ said a voice in my head.

“Why do i keep hearing things in my head?” I asked everyone.

“What you are hearing is your wolf. Wait! You have your wolf ask her why you did not shift!” exclaimed Steven and the Doc. 

“How do i do that?”

Iza said, “All you have to do is think a question in you head.”

“Ok but will you all leave so i don’t have any distractions when i am done i will call for you.”

The all left. ‘ hello? are you there wolf?’  ‘yes i am’ ‘why didn’t i shift?’ ‘because you were not needed and in danger. if you would have shifted our mate would have died. We had to have a different pain worse than your first shifting when you felt the pains in your legs the were in the transform mode but you ended it what happened was the pain was the breaking of the bone in them and when you passed out form the pain was from me i am so sorry’ ‘so we can shift when we want to now?’ ‘yes and no we can shift but in the first one there has to be no danger around.’ ‘so i might not shift till i am 25?’ ‘true but not probably if there is to much danger i will take over and cause you to shift for you first time it will be way worse thou.’  ‘so how do i talk to you without using questions?’ ‘Just think the thought towards me and i will answer. try it now’ ‘thank you wolf’ ‘your welcome’ 

I then called for Steven. when he entered so did Iza and Iris. I sat up as they came closer to me. 

“What did she say,” Steven asked.

“She said, because you were not needed and in danger. if you would have shifted our mate would have died. We had to have a different pain worse than your first shifting when you felt the pains in your legs the were in the transform mode but you ended it what happened was the pain was the breaking of the bone in them and when you passed out form the pain was from me i am so sorry.”

“Is that it, “ he asked. '

“No I can shift any time i want to for my first though it will be like the rest of yours though as long as there is no danger.”

“Ok then let’s head out to let you shift and get it over with.”

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