chapter #1 New Life

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It was a normal day the sun was shining,the birds were singing,kids were playing. Everything was okay then as I was walking home I heard a scream and a sword went through my chest.

"Hello human," a creature says.

"What are yo... u," I start to say as I cough up blood.

"Y.O.U.R W.O.R.S.T N.I.G.H.T.M.A.R.E." screams the creature.

As I start to fade i notice a mask cover my face.

Time skip.

'What happened' I think.

"You almost died," says a man with three heads.

"Yeah you b***h," yells a inverted color version if myself.

"Who are you two,"I say then I asked,"why do you have three heads."

The two look at each other then at me "we are a part of your soul" they say in unison.

'Oh yeah I should introduce myself. I am 5 foot 11 inches. I have light brown hair. A red eye and a blue eye. A huge scar running down my back that i don't even remember getting. And right now a metal chain sticking out of my chest. Oh and my name is John green. My parents died when i was seven mother in a vehicle​ accident, my father in a fire, my only relatives left are my little sister and older sister. My older sister took care of us and bought a house, me and her work so our little sister doesn't have to, oh and did i forget to mention my little sister apparently can see ghosts.'

"What do you mean your apart of my... Soul," I slowly say that last part afraid for my life as what my little sister had once said seems to be coming to my head.


"Like i was saying that creature shouldn't have messed with us right koshi" says Neil (just so you know and i am so sorry if this means something bad in another language but koshi is Neils zanpakto i don't know what it is in other languages as im not putting these as like their counter parts like zangetsu and the getsuga tensho i won't state them like that okay A/N)

"Who are you talking to," asks Verni.

"I'm talking to koshi,"Neil replies.

"And who's koshi," I ask.

"Koshi is my zanpakto," says Neil again and like every other time she talks to what we think is her imagination.

*end of flashback*

"Wait like whatever a zanpakto is," I ask nervously.

"Yes, I am your zanpakto my name is Cerberus," says the three headed creature and now that i look his three heads are bull dog heads (hell hound heads but i think they are equal to bull dog heads if alive).

"Then who's he," i ask pointing to the one who looks exactly like me but with inverted colors.

"He's..." starts Cerberus.

"He's your inner hollow," says a third man in all green who just appeared.

"Who are you," ask all three who were already there.

"You may call me green," says the man now known as green.

"How did you get in here," asks the one said to be my inner hollow but now that i look at it im no longer in the street im now on a mountain side with a view of a beautiful waterfall in front of me.

"Simple,"starts the one know as green,"Cerberus here can back up my claim. Well in order to save this kids life i injected some of my blood into him, it saved his life and gave him a zanpakto (A/N Cerberus is true greens Zanpakto the green that appears in this story is true green)," pointing towards Cerberus,"i gave him a clone of my zanpakto but a little different as he doesn't have my hollow mask he will have to obtain it all by himself with the help of his zanpakto and you," he says as he points towards my inner hollow.

"Its all true,"says Cerberus.

I notice the chain on my chest grow shorter,"ah um what's going on," i ask as i start to panic.

The man known as green snaps his fingers and the chain disappears and is replaced along with most of the rest of what im wearing into a black kimono (A/N Im sorry i don't know what its called.) and a few extra chains and rings on my fingers.

"Whoa," is all i can say as a sword comes along with it.

A/N i hope you enjoyed this first part of chapter one so bye for now

Also all stuff that comes from other series like ichigo zanpaktos and vizards and all of that are not mine at all so this is for entertainment purposes only if that makes sense

a new vizardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora