Character bios

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Name:John green

Race:human, substitute soul reaper, and vizard.

Walked home one day and got attacked by a hollow. Learned that he had a zanpakto and a inner hollow.



Name:Neil green

Race:human and substitute soul reaper

When she was three she obtained a zanpakto as she saw her father being killed by a hollow who started the fire as the hollow was trying to kill her her father her older brother and older sister but she killed the hollow but not on time.



Name:Verni green


Took care of younger siblings and bought a house fir all three works with younger brother so their younger sister dosen't have to.




Race:zanpakto, zanpakto spirit.

Came to Neil when she was three supposed to be the only zanpakto for the green family as Neil was suppose to be the only soul reaper but is happy as he is not as strong as needed to be as the hollows have become stronger since yawatch was defeated.



Race:hell hound, zanpakto, zanpakto spirit, demon guard.

True greens zanpakto but cloned and the clone given to John green not as strong as true Cerberus but is still very strong


Name (known as):John's inner hollow.

Race: Vizard

When John was dying the hollow was defeated but the hollow was a rare bleeding one that was not an arrancar. The blood of the hollow went into Johns open wound and along with true greens blood caused the inner hollow the inner hollow was there already but would have taken over and true greens blood stopped the hollow from taking over.


Name:Green (true green)


(In this story) will be revealed later on.


A/N there will be more oc's but they will be revealed later on.

For now chapter two will come out soon I write a lot even at school so i'll probably have many chapters out very soon til then bye

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