Chapter 2 adjusting

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"Bro,"Neil says as I walk into the door.

"Yes,"I ask seeing she wants to ask something.

"I thought you were right behind me when we left the shop,"she says mad.

'Let me shut her f***king mouth,' says my inner hollow.

'Shut it,' I respond.

"Bro, sis, get in here," yells Verni

"Ah who's that," says the candy in the monkey.

"I should really give you a name," I say.

"Who's that," asks Neil in a whisper.

"How about Jack," I say.

"Sure whatever but who is that," says Jack (A/N when i did the character bios i forgot Jack but i didn't even think of a name for him at that point.)

"Verni one second," I yell.

'Can i kill that one,' asks my inner hollow.

'No and now i need to call you some thing sheesh this is annoying okay how about youro' I say.

'Fine, but can I kill her,' asks youro.

'No, you can't kill any of my sisters' I yell in my inner world.

'SHUT UP!!!' yells Cerberus inside the inner world.

"Where are you two," ask-yells Verni.

"Coming," me and Neil yell starting to freakout.

*small timeskip backwards*

Neils POV

'Bro just got home,' I say to koshi.

'Ah, I noticed but why did you yell at him you knew he was going to crush the soul candy,' says koshi.

'I know but what if a hollow came sheesh  he's a new substitute soul reaper,' I say to koshi.

'He might be inexperienced but he has a stronger zanpakto than you,' koshi states.

'How do you know,' I ask

Koshi mumbles something unadiable.

Koshi's POV

"Because Cerberus was originally your zanpakto," I say to the man in front of me.

"Don't worry she can't here us now," states green.

"She'll think i'm ignoring her," I say.

"No she can still here you but it will come out as mumbles so she can hear you and not think your ignoring her but she will think something is wrong with the connection to the inner world," says green.



"Why would I hurt some of my grandchildren who haven't threatened me or attacked me," I respond.

"True but think about it if they do threaten you," koshi says.

"If they do well that's then this is now and I can't tell them aboit their mother," I tell koshi.

"What about their mother," he asks.

"If i'm one of their grandfathers think about it," I tell him.

"Wait so their mother is your daughter,"he asks surprised.

"You can't tell her at all but yes, soon they will meet their cousin but he won't say anything about ne being their grandfather, also he will act when he meets them, even though they are bad actors and their mother was to but their cousin is one of the best actors I know. He will act like he thought hey were dead but he will know they were alive, a few days later another cousin will arrive also they will both act like they didn't know they were alive and note they are blood related they will make their appearance look like sixteen year olds and also i should say they will act like they are sixteen as well and they are actually twins," I tell him as I fade into the darkness.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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