Chapter 1: Mistakes Happen

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          Have you ever had that feeling that you weren't exactly able to do everything you wanted to and you just feel so trapped? That urge to leave the house and do whatever you wanted to do, and check it off your wannabe checklist you have for yourself. Yep, I was one of those jackasses, and my urge was to party, drink, and do drugs. Stupid but everyone goes through the phase of curiosity. But not everyone gets to do it whilst in the phase. Luckily, I did. And I was not going down without a fight.

        One night me and my friend Barrel, as I called her, had been able to hang out at her house for a while because she was off of work and her parents were on a trip in Europe for a month, but I guess her plans with her boyfriend Erik had interfered with ours that weekend. So, her boyfriend was coming over while me and her were hanging out. But when he came he was pretty pushy as if he was in a rush to go somewhere. "Barry, I just found out that a Night Club called Blue Moon just opened downtown. I wanna go see what the buzz is about?" He said. He seemed to have leaned against the doorway, his muscular arms crossed and his hazel, brown eyes looked Barrel up and down, as she hesitated to speak. "Uh- But what about Alex?" She said, her voice fading. "She can come too dumbfuck. What do you think I was gonna do? Drop her back at her place without her key? No." He snapped. She stood up, and looked over to me. "Up to you." She said, minimizing her words. I nod lightly and stand up as well, Erik gesturing us to the front door. As we jumped into his truck, he was already setting up the GPS route. Pulling out of the driveway, he turned up the radio, the speakers booming rock from I think was nickelback. 

        By the time we got there my heart was thumping rapidly, as my nervousness gained greater and greater. I stepped out of the car, fixing my shirt as I see a security guard outfront. "Is it that fancy?" I mumbled. Erik looked over his shoulder as he began to walk over to the security guard. "Yeah." He replied sarcastically. Barrel giggled and stepped up to the security guard and looked over at Erik. I was frozen in place, I wasn't sure I should have done this. But, I still gained the confidence to walk over to the security guard and stand next to them. Erik slipped him his ID card and gestured us in politely. As i pushed the door open, all kinds of glorious lights and scents triggered excitement from inside of me. I look over to Erik, who seemed to be straying away from us and talking to a group of guys he seemed to know. Barrel looked over to me and pointed to the bar. My throat tightened a little as I stepped up towards the bartender, and sat on the stool by the bar. "What can I get you?" He said grinning politely. "Um-" I was about to order when Barrel interrupted me, "Can I get the Cosmopolitan Cocktail please." He nodded and stepped away to grab a glass and fill it. She leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "Relax. I got this. What kinds of drinks do you like. Like soda or juice flavors." "Um.. Shirley temples..?" I said hesitantly. The bartender walked back to her, sliding her a large margarita glass with a green straw hanging at the end. "Thank you sir, Can I also order a long shot with a side of extra maraschino cherries?" She says. My throat tightened again as she said that, my mouth getting dryer and dryer every breath I took. I watched as he whipped the concoction in 2 silver cups shaken with ice and poured into another margarita glass. He slides it to me and Barrel takes a sip of it before I could. I didn't know what I was thinking when i agreed to come with. I didn't even know Barrel knew about this place, or even drank in that matter. She slid the glass to me and pressed the straw against my lips, gesturing me to take a sip. "Don't knock it till you try it." She laughed. I finally pressed my lips against the straw and sipped it. It had a bitter taste, a kick would you say, and made my eyes shoot up in shock. I pulled away from the straw and looked over to Barrel as tingles shot all over my body. She bursted out laughing as my reaction to it began to make my face cringe and scrunch up. "Take another sip, a longer one." She said pulling the straw back up to my lips. My mouth cringed with despise but refused to pussy out otherwise. I drank some more of it and the tingles increased, and coughed a little from such a bitter taste. Then suddenly...

Eric- Brown hair, Hazel Eyes, Fair skin, muscular, slim, and tall

Barrel- Blonde hair, blue eyes, medium height, slim, and weak

Alex- Red hair, blue eyes, freckles, pale skin, short, and strong

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