Chapter 8. Clenched Fists

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     He cracked his knuckles, fastening the bandana around his arm, getting into a protective stance. "Uh. Fight? Here? Now?" I say. My voice in a weak, whisper. He nods, the men still murmuring amongst themselves. I glared at his eyes, trying to find out where to knock him; but as I stood there, Cyoti ran his hand along my waist, adjusting my shorts, whispering into my ear, "Aim for the throat. Let him take the first hit." He stepped back, Miachel popping his knuckles once again. "T-Take the first hit." I stutter. I stand there, my hands stiff by me side, closing my eyes waiting for the blow. A huge powerful strike hit my face, knocking me off my feet. I try to stand up, but my side was kicked, knocking the wind out of me. Gasping for air, I threw myself up. He threw another punch as one of the waiters began to approach in a hurry. Two of the men sitting at the table stood up, one, being Hunter, and the other who had mid-length, sloppy long blonde hair. He had a navy blue backwards baseball cap lazily around his head. He stood in front of the waiters as the fight continued. As he was distracted for a second, looking over at the two men, holding off the two waiters, I socked his throat, immediately Miachel gripped his throat, gasping and breathing spirally. He dropped to his knees, in panic, I covered my mouth and backed up, Cyoti grabbing me and holding me in place. Watching, Miachel fell to the floor in a breathless heap and finally let go of his throat, closing his eyes. I look over at Cyoti, who's laughing at the terrified waitresses, his face curved into a kind, loving smile. His laugh slowed down looking over at my worried face, mouthing to him "Did I kill him?" He shook his head slowly, whispering, "just knocked him out." I let out a sigh of relief as I looked over at the waiters as well. "Come on. We got to go before the cops buzz us." He says standing up. He slapped down money onto the table and walked out, the other men following. The blonde man was carrying Miachel who dangled helplessly over his shoulder. I giggled a little under my breath, proud I knocked out Miachel, but at the same time, quite worried of when he awakens. Cyoti grabs me by my underarm and swipes me off my feet carrying me to his car. I let out a soft laugh, as the guys behind us tease me. He pulled open then passenger door and set me into the seat, pulling the seatbelt over me, clicking it. At that second I felt like a small child, with a big crush. He jumps in on the drivers side and turns on the engine, fixating the rearview mirror. But before he went to pull out, the man with the blonde hair jumped into the backbed of the truck, making a huge thump noise. I look behind me, him knocking on the window that separates the backbed of the truck to the inside of the car. Cyoti looked back and waved his hand carelessly, nodding and begins to slowly pull out of the parking space. As we drove back through the highway, Cyoti used one of his hands to let go of the steering wheel and reach down into his pockets, pulling out the navy blue bandana, what was wrapped around the arm of the man I faught. He set it on my lap, running his hand along the inside of my thigh, his eyes still fixated on the road. "You're part of the Crips now." He said. I nod my head hesitantly, trying to figure out how to get his hand off my thigh. Clearing my throat, I rest my hand on his in an attempt for him not to go any father. He looked over at me in a devilish smirk and whispered, "Watch this." He pointed over at the blonde haired dude and he was leaned over the tailgate of the truck, looking downwards. Cyoti hit the petal, making the man lean over the tailgate more, letting out a yell. All of a sudden, Cyoti reaches across me, holding me in place and slams the break, making him fly across the bed of the car, and against the back window. The man punched the window and started cussing us out, flipping us off every few words. I burst out laughing, Cyoti chuckling under his breath, his eyes severely concentrated on his rear view mirror. "Sorry William. I'll hit the breaks harder next time." He laughs, pulling the back window open. "Fuckin asshole. My chain got caught in the tailgate. Your lucky you didn't break it." He yelled. "Oh am I now? How many times have I kicked your ass for opening your mouth like that?" Cyoti responded in a calm manner. William silenced and sat back against the edge, rolling his eyes. "Where are we going?" I say, looking back over at him. "My house." He says in a distracted voice. As we slowed down, we pulled in front of a huge house, with a 2-way driveway with gates that separated the house to the road. William jumped off the tailgate, running over and grabbing the keys from cyotis hand and unlocks the gate, kicking it open. He began walking up the driveway as Cyoti pulled in, slowing down out front. I was completely shocked at that I had saw, a beautiful house, owned my a man that wasn't well dressed, owned no expensive items unless the chain around his neck, and had to professional manner to him. He looked over at me, chucking as he observes my widened eyes. He parks the car at the front entrance, jumping out of the car. He walks around to the other side of the car, gently opening the car door. Unbuttoning my seat belt, I could feel the heat quarreling together with the cold air conditioning. He gripped my hand as I stepped out, assisting me down the steep step. I felt oddly satisfied, yet nervous and thrilled. 

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