Chapter Twelfth: Of Petty Insults, Threats and Fear

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I awoken to yelling I sighed as I walked I saw Damon leaving Stefan's room, "Damon, don't bother them." "A little to late for that, Vita. I sighed as he asked, So do you want to make us some of your famous breakfast?" I smiled a bit as I told him, "I glad your in a better mood." "Me too, but you think I can trust him?" "Damon despite everything you done to him and me I still love and i'm sure Stefan forgives you every time like I do otherwise he wouldn't want to help you." I notice he made a face but quickly said, "Thanks Vi, you really know what to say." I smiled a bit, "Of course I just want you two to be happy. Later that day I followed my brother to get Jonathan's journal from Mr. Saltzman however he tried to shoot Stefan with a stake. "Stefan! I shouted in worry luckily he caught it. Stefan, Stop!" I said as he knocked Mr. Saltzman over then grabbed his weapon. I then kneeled over towards him asking worried, "Are you okay? Stefan!" I told him warningly as he said, "I'm not going to hurt you unless you try that again." Stefan tried again asking about the journal as I now sat nearby to protect this man in case my brother pulled a Damon. I worried and annoyed about Damon since he killed an innocent life again. "I'm so sorry." I told him softly he gave me a look but soon enough we left to go to Elena's house but Damon wanted the journal, "Damon stop it!" I warned as he started bothering Jeremy. He then mention a girl named Anna who he was supposed to meet at the grill Damon insisted he drive him there I came along in case, thats when I saw her, "No."

Mystic Falls, 1864

Miss Kathrine told me my mother has a admire. Said a young lady with dark black hair, "Really who is it?" Asked a young girl with long dark brown hair, "His name is Jonathan Gilbert." Both girls giggled as the long  haired bernet said I hope it's true. "I do as well. Suddenly a older woman who looked a bit liked the young lady with dark hair called out, "Annabelle, It's time to go!" "Coming mother!" She said then told her friend, "It seems I have to go but i'll love to talk some time soon."  

Annabelle, How? Why? I was so confused but it was quickly reveled that she was here since the comet, she even was trying to get into the tomb. Damon and I now made our way to the cemetery only to see Stefan and Elena there. I could tell Damon was mad and hurt however things were made worst by both of them insulting each other. "I can't let you bring her back i'm sorry." "I am to, for thinking for a second I could trust you!" "Damon!" I said as Stefan told him, "Oh you are incapable of trust," "Stefan!" "That you're here means that you've read the journal and planning on doing this yourself." "Stefan! Stop!" I begged then Damon said the most hurtful thing that was said tonight, "Of course I was going to do it by myself because the only one I can count on is me!" "Damon." I whisper his name hurt, "You made sure of that many years ago Stefan. but you, you had me fooled." He said towards Elena. "No! Damon!" I cried as he grabbed Elena then feed her his blood I was scared I didn't want to do anything that could cause trouble so I just stayed still out of fear. Once it was over I let out I sigh of relief then left Damon to be alone, I went back to our old house since I didn't want to be with my brothers tonight, I sighed at the memories it brought, 

Mystic falls, 1852

"Steffy, Please play with me?" Asked a six year old girl, "I don't know, Vita .I don't want to disturb father." The young six year old boy replied as an older boy, a twelfth year old, told him, "Why brother, didn't you know it's rude to disappoint a lady?" The little girl giggled, "Damon, can please play with me?" She asked as he replied, "Of course Vita, now what do you want to play?" "I want to play cards." "Okay, let's grab a pack." "Yay!" She cheered as the little boy, Stefan pouted, at that moment his older brother asked, "Do you want to play cards too, Stefan?" The little boy then smiled happily as the trio started playing.   

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