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"Wake up!" I barely register someone telling me to wake up, but I unconsciously decide to ignore them. See what I did there with the pun, *unconsciously* because I'm asleep. Just forget it, it was a bad pun.

"Wake up!" My aunt Maddy yells at me, this trying to shake me awake. I moan and yank my blankets over my head. Yeah, I know I should get up and get ready for school, but 5 minutes never hurt anyone. At least, I hope it never hurt anyone. 

"Raffe, she won't wake up!" Aunt Maddy shouts as I snuggle into my covers.

"Solve your own problems! I'm busy!" Raffe shouts in reply.

"Eating pancakes is not busy!" Aunt Maddy shouts back at him.

"Just dump ice water on her or something!" Raffe shouts.

"Astrid! You had better wake up or else I'll dump a glass of ice water on you!" Aunt Maddy threatens.

"Fine! I'll get up." I moan, not wanting to get ice water dumped on my head.

"Aunt Maddy! Your pancakes are burning!" Raffe shouts from different room, which I assume was the kitchen.

My aunt rushed out of my room, leaving me to get ready for school. Slowly, I climb out of bed, and settle for the laziest outfit I can find, joggers and a t-shirt. Then I shuffle into the kitchen in search of food, while twisting my hair into a bun.

"Good morning." Aunt Maddy says sounding chipper. 

"I hope you're hungry for burnt puncakes." Raffe mutters while shoveling the last of the non-burnt pancakes onto his plate.

"You mean pancakes." I attempt to correct his awful pun.

"Nope." Raffe replies. "Here we only serve puncakes. How eggactly do you like your puns, sunny side up or scrammbled?"

I face palm. There's only so many awful puns a girl can take this early in the morning. Normally I would join the punfest, but I too tired to think of anything but cat puns. Wait no! I know a decent pun!

"Why must I endure this pun-ishment." I plead. "If you don't stop Raffe, we'll have to throw you in the punitentiary.

"Well played." Raffe mutters through a mouthful of non-burnt pancakes.

"Sweetie, just ignore Raffe. He's in a bad mood this morning." Aunt Maddy tells me. "He didn't get enough sleep, and I'm making him walk you to school." 

"Oh." I look at Raffe. "I don't need your help. I'm sure I can figure it out on my own."


Roughly 20 minutes later I find myself riding on a subway train next to my cousin Raffe. It turns out the Aunt Maddy is the kind of person you can't argue with.

"So um, what's the name of this high school we're going to?" I ask, trying to strike up a conversation with Raffe.

"Myst City High School." Raffe replies, impatiently tapping his foot.

Suddenly, I'm thrown forward as the subway train screeches to a halt. Around me, everyone adjusts their footing and continues on as if nothing had happened. But when the train doesn't start moving again, panic sets in. 

Raffe grabs me by the arm and pulls me away from the windows as I try to see what's going on.

"What the frick Raffe!" I protest as he yanks me to the floor.

"Shut up Astrid." Raffe mutters. "Don't draw attention to yourself."

"And you shoving me to the ground doesn't draw attention." I quip. "What the heck is going on."

"It's another super battle. Probably a villain or something." Raffe explains nonchalantly. "This stuff happens all the time."

"No it doesn't!" I object.

"What we're going to do now is get off this train and make a run for it. Go in the opposite direction as me, and run with a zig zag motion." Raffe tells me.

"I think we should stay put and wait for the cops to arrive." I reply.

Suddenly the doors at the other end of the subway train slide open, and in steps a mask wearing girl clad in green and black spandex. I've never met a supervillain, but I instantly know that's what she is.

"Alright, you know the drill. Hand over your money and valuables now." declares the villain with a cocky demeanor.

Without giving me a heads up, Raffe grabs me by the arm and begins to drag me out the nearest doors.

"Hey you! Get back here!" shouts the villain as Raffe shoves me off the train.

"Run Astrid!" Raffe orders as he takes off running. Unsure of where I am or where Raffe is going, I take off running after him.

Raffe looks back at me, "Don't follow me, it'll be safer if we split up. Shockwave won't be able to follow both of us." Then Raffe takes off running faster.

"Wait, I don't know where to go!" I shout at him, but it's too late. Raffe rounds at corner and is gone.

Momentarily, I stop running to look for as exit. There has to be some kind of sign that says 'staircase this way' or 'fire exit', why I'd even settle for having a bathroom to hide in.

"Found you!" snarls the villain from somewhere behind me.

I try to run away, but the ground begins to shake violently, and I'm instantly thrown to the ground. I try to get up, only to have Shockwave grab me by the hair and yank me to my feet.

"Bet you thought you could get away. Ha! No one escapes me." Shockwave sneers, causing me to cringe, not because she is pulling my hair, but because her breath stinks.

"Hey, if you need a breath mint. I think I might have some in my backpack." I offer while stupidly feigning fearlessness. Oh, I swear that if I make it out of this alive, Raffe is going to die for abandoning me.

"Did you just insult my breath?" replies Shockwave with her voice full of rage. "Do you not know who I am?!"

"I know who you are." I quip. "You're a girl who seriously needs a breath mint."

"Poor choice of words. Now you're gonna die!" Shockwave threatens menacingly.

Out of nowhere, the room is filled with light as a glowing arrow streaks past me, grazing Shockwaves cheek.

Shockwave lets go of me, and takes a step back. She clenches her fists, but her voice is shaky as she sneers, "Apollo."

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