Pg. 5

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   JD and Titan sit quietly on the wall watching the walkers vanish in the distance then climb down. "Why did you have to bring them back? they were leaving then the stunt you pulled with your motorcycle brought them back!" Ash walks up yelling at JD. "Hay calm down Ash." Fire walks up and hands Tiny to Titan. "Names Fire, That's Ash, Titan and his son Tiny and Loki is somewhere around here with 87, ADT, and Shy." Fire smiles and holds out her hand, he takes it and smiles back at her. "Im JD, It's nice to finally run into more wolf kin. I-I thought I was the last one." He looks down sadly. "We thought we were the last two, we watched so many of our people fall to the hands and teeth of those things out their." Ash looks at him sadly. Fire looks at Ash then at Titan. "Hay Fire can you take Tiny inside he seemed hungry and I want to talk with the new guy alone." He smiles as Fire nods and takes Tiny inside, Ash following behind her.

Titan looks at him a bit annoyed. "Your Lucky we're letting you in, but if you try to harm anyone here I will kill you or we will kick you out, understand?" JD nods and looks around than at him. "So Enderman the wolf girl you have with you, are any of them your lovers?" He laughs a little as Titan rolls his eyes "No, I have no interest in any of them. . . besides i'm not ready for anything not after my wife's death." JD looks at him a bit shocked then pats his shoulder. "I-I'm sorry I was trying to lighten the mood a little." Titan smiles at JD "It's ok, Head on in and rest, clean up and do whatever you want." He walks inside where Fire has fallen asleep on the couch with tiny next to her. He covers her up and brings Tiny upstairs with him then heads to bed.

Ash walks up to JD and talks with him as they watch the gate. ADT is talking to Shy but gets kicked out of the room as she yells at him. 87 and Loki are checking the crops and seeing if there's anything wrong with the soil. Fire wakes up and goes to shower careful not to wake Titan in the next room. As she gets out and dries off she sees blood on the towel and runs to the mirror moving her hair and sighing. "N-Not this again. . . does Ash have the meds ill need this time?" She gets dressed and runs to her grabbing her arm "A-Ash bathroom now please." Ash sees the blood dripping from her eye and they rush to the bathroom. "Why is it acting up now? What did you do?" Ash looks at her worried as she wipes it. "You think I would know! I don't know what the CDC did to us but thanks to them we have to deal with this.....has yours acted up?" Fire looks down then at the mirror "Thank god no, mine glows yours bleeds. I don't know what to do when it glows though." Ash smiles and moves her hair back to cover it. "Thank Ashy." Fire smiles and hugs her. "So what do you think of the new wolf boy? you seem to talk with him a lot" Fire looks at her smirking a little. "Hey we just met! What are you thinking." Fire laughs "You know I'm joking Ashy I wouldn't do that just yet." Fire winks at her as she walks off and heads out to watch the wall sniping some walkers as they get close.

As morning comes Titan is by the gate talking with Fire and ADT. "If you guys are going out be careful and make sure you don't go to far." They nod and run off as Titan watches them vanish in the forest. "I don't know what it is about him but I don't trust him. . . . What do you think JD?" JD walks up behind him "About ADT? I don't know. we will have to see. where did they go anyway?" Titan looks at him. "They went to the closest town to get supplies and possibly some cars if their are any." JD looks at him confused "You think they will find cars? You're crazy you know that." JD walks inside and heads to the kitchen to cook but sees Loki in their already cooking. "I see you beat me." He smiles at her as she looks at him nodding "Da comrade I already had this idea last night." He walks off as she cooks and watches Titan out the window careful to not let him know then talks in Russian then goes back to cooking.  

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