Ch.2 Pg.4

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      Fire looks over at her tail to see Tiny playing with it as she is reading. "Hey there you little cutie." She smiles as he giggles. "Fire can we play?" He smiles at her as she hugs him and picks him up. "Not right now, but you know if you keep sneaking out you're going to make your father very sad. You don't want to hurt him do you?" Tiny looks at the door "Does he worry that much?" "He is your father."She sets him down on the couch and sits by him. "Hay Fire. . .where is my mother?" He looks down sadly now. She goes quiet and look at him then picks him up "Your father must be looking for you." she heads out and goes to his as he is asking Loki if she has seen Tiny. "Hay you lose someone?" He walks up and hugs then smiling then takes Tiny. "He seems to like bothering you." Titan looks at him as he looks up at him. "He doesn't bother me. In fact i like having the company, maybe i'll just have to kidnap him from you." she winks at him then heads off down the hall her tail wagging till they hear a man screaming. Fire stops and looks around her ears perked up as she listens for the source when she turns and sees a man appear out of nowhere running at her and before she can react he runs into her and slide across the floor a bit.

Titan run around the corner with the others to see what's going on when they see the man rubbing his head "Oww. . .what did i hit?" He stands up to see her on the ground with a dizzy look and bleeding a bit. "A-Are you ok!" He helps her up. Her eyes change as she grabs his arm and throws him down getting on his back as she growls "Think next time you can give a warning! How many times have you ran into me now Kenny?" He laughs and breaks free and pins her against a wall "You know i can't control where it takes me." She laughs as she slides her leg back and trips, they wrestle on the ground till she is on his back making sure he can't break free and in a headlock till he taps her. She lets go both of him smiling. "I lost?" Kenny looks at her as she helps him up. "I'm not as weak as i was back then you goof. By the way what's with the trench coat?" She dusts off. Titan walks up "Hay are you ok?" He hugs her then looks at Kenny "Care to explain what happened here?" Kenny smiles "I'm Kenny one of her old friends. And you are?" He looks at him with a bit of a dead glare hidden behind a smile. "I'm Titan the leader of this little group." He smiles a bit. "Leader hmm? So Fire you joined another pack? Does your Alpha know this?" Kenny looks at her as she looks down. "That is if their still alive." Fire sighs and grabs Kenny's arm "Come on! We need to catch up!" They run off and head upstairs.Titan looks at Loki "Can you keep an eye on him?" Loki looks at him confused "why?" "Because he came out of nowhere and we don't know if he might try to steal ammo or food." Titan looks at Bonjo "Check around the area for an opening that he could have come from." Bonjo nods and heads off and Loki heads up.

Kenny and Fire sit on the Tank outside and snipe walkers or stab them as they chat. "Have you ever seen our home after all this happened?" Kenny looks at her. "Nope, but i wish i was home again, i miss the smell of the city, the mountain view outside of my home and all the wildlife around us." She gets off and heads inside as it gets dark. He follows "Ya and no walkers were around." She sits on the stairs and looks outside tears in her eyes "Our pack. . . Ash and I watched them die but we didn't see them all so some might still be alive." He hugs her then pats her head "I did smell some Wolf Kin when i was out running around before this thing teleported me." Loki walks up smiling "Hay Fire. . .new guy, what's up?" she sits down. "Oh Loki! Not much just talking about our old home and my old pack." Fire looks her. "Your old pack? The ones you watched. . . .anyway why do you seem a bit happy?" Loki looks at her more closely. "Kenny said he could smell some of our pack where he was last. And knowing our Alpha if he is with them then we might be able to see them again cause he will will try to find the members that got away." Fire's eyes light up with hope. "But wouldn't they try to take you back? And if that happened what would Titan think and how would he act knowing his girlfriend left." Loki now looks her in the eyes as Fire's ears go down and she wraps her tail into her lap and messes with it. "You're dating the Enderman?" Kenny looks at her shocked "What ever happened to the girl that wouldn't date anyone unless forced?" Her tail fluffs up as she stands "Things change. And when you find yourself stuck in a world where either people want to kill you or the dead want to eat you alive, you start to think about your life." Loki and Kenny nod "You're right but why an Ender?" Kenny looks a bit worried and a bit sad. "It doesn't matter what he is, he is caring, sweet, and has a wonderful personality. Ya he can get a bit overprotective but that's something that makes him who he is and i like it. Now i'm heading down to rest. Night guys" Fire heads downstairs.

Titan sits on his bed watching Tiny as he plays with a toy they found in a home.Tiny walks up and smiles "Dad can we stay here forever?" Titan sighs and nods "we will be here till we need to leave. Do you like it here?" Tiny nods then looks at the door as Fire walks past to her room closes her door and falls onto the couch. Titan goes to shower as Tiny wanders the halls and goes to bother Bonjo pulling his tail and having him chase after him. Tiny laughs as he hides in Dan's room as he sleeps. Bonjo runs in breaking down the door as tiny grabs Dan's gun and runs off Bonjo and now Dan chasing after him. Titan gets out to hear then yelling. He walks out and grabs the gun from Tiny "Come on you know better then to bother the others." Titan pushes him towards them and has him apologize for causing trouble. "S-Sorry for being rude and bothering you." Tiny looks down at the ground as Bonjo pets his head smiling and Dan takes his gun back and looks at him "Don't take guns from others you might get hurt." Dan pats his head then heads back to his room. Fire laughs as she stands in her doorway. "You need to get a gate to keep him in your room." she closes her door and heads back to sleep. Titan picks him up and takes him back to his room and lays him down. "Time to sleep." He hums him a song as Tiny falls asleep.  

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