Another dream

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I was walking to my house in the rain and it was dark but when I got to my house my parents carried suitcases and I asked them where are you going all they said was that they were going out for a day or two and for some reason I new that was a lie and I started to cry and I hugged my parents and they left I went in the house to find my little sister and my big brother and my brother seen that I was crying and he asked me whats wrong and I told him that mom and dad are leaving again and they said that it will take one or two days and I cryed more and said its a lie they always leave and never come back in a long time and my brother agreed with me and then my vision went black and after a while I can finally see what was happening but when I looked around me and my brother and my little sister and my parents were going on to a bus/train thing and we were all in there and it was so crowded and I was at the door holding the thing shut when a guy said please open the door and he started to cry I wanted to open the door but my body wont move then the bus/train thing started to move and my dad told me to sit with my mom and sister so I sat down  then my vision went black again my vision was getting back to normal and I looked around and I was at a school but only a few kids and a lot of adults I dont know where my dad or brother are but my mom and sister was right next to me and then this old lady walked up to us and she told me and my mom and little sister what we needed to do in order to live she told us we needed to work in the garden and there was no breaks and if were done we needed to make another garden after she told us that she went back to work with her garden and my mom and sister went to work on a garden too and left me so I went to the old lady and asked her if we get to sleep but all she said was no and we started to talk more and it was not to bad then lunch came we were lined up to get some food from a lady but she is to far away to see who she looks like then a little later we got to the strange lady but when she turned around I seen that it was my grandma I was so shocked to see her but when she looked at me she looked angry and she got a knife and tried to stab me then I tried to grab her knife from her hands and when I grabbed it she had another knife then she ran at me with the knife in her hand and I just stayed there with my knife out and the next thing you know I stab my grandma in the stomach I started to cry a lot because I loved my grandma she understood me and I keep saying that im sorry I didn't mean to and I cryed more and more and no one did not notice anything it was like they are robots then I look back at my grandma and figure out that she died right in front of me then this old lady that I was talking to grabbed me and started to walk and she told me its not your fault and when we got far away from the body and then the ild lady hugged me until I stopped crying and I did not know where my family was I was all alone but luckily the old lady was with me and i was still holding the knife then some random person yelled said something to me rhen she turned into a big slug thing and tried to kill me then I still had my knife and tried to kill it at some point I did the some other person yelled at me and also turned into a ashy flying thing and they shot out fire at me then I put my knife in its head hoping that I killed it but it just disappeared in ash then another ash thing came and I did the same thing and then i finally got all of them and the old lady said I hope they choose you and your family and I asked her what she meant by that and she said they are going to choose people to go in the bus and leave this place then after she told me that they called people's names my mom and my little sister then me the old lady smiled at me and said good luck and I hugged her and said im going to miss you and then I went in the bus we started to drive for a little bit but the I see something in the distance it was the school then the lady that was driving the bus went to the back and I seen the old lady still working then the bus driver went in the back of the school and was going to kill everyone with the bus then the bus driver hit the swings of the school and then she laughed and said you are not leaving this place then after that my vision went black again and the next thing I know I woke up with tears on my face.

I just had this dream I wonder what it means and why was my grandma trying to kill me and where did my dad and brother go and why did that old lady help me and only me.

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