Want to leave this world

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U know if I was never here or if I was never born people wouldn't be sad I tell a lot of people why do u hang out with me why do u talk to me I just make people sad I should have never gotten a ps4 I want to disappear I'm sorry Idk what to do anymore to be honest all I can think about doing is laying on my bed looking at the ceiling and thinking what if I wasn't born I'm so weird I'm sorry I make people sad I don't want to be here anymore I don't want to do anything anymore I don't want to talk to people and make them sad I wish I can leave this world maybe if I think I can do it I'm sorry this is just how I feel I hate how I care about people I hate how I'm alive I hate that I'm not alone I hate that I make people sad I hate that people like me I hate that people want to help me I hate how I have feelings I hate how I like people I hate everything about me I just want it to all end and I want to be in the darkness in a corner so everyone I made sad or like me or anything to do with me would forget about me and pretend like I never existed so the people I hurt or made sad would be happy I really want to end it all but idk how and if I try too my parents will send me to a place to get help but what I learned was u can't fix something that is already broken I hate myself my life everything please forget about me please I'm begging u I don't want to be remembered I want to be forgotten I don't want to make people sad anymore like I made someone I think it's all my fault for having feelings I know that everyone has feelings but I hate mine I already made someone sad and there probably not going to talk to me ever again I would understand because I'm such a waste in this world and I worry and care about that person a lot but I made them sad I knew I should of left a long time ago I really want to leave this world I want people to forget about me this is all I feel I want to die I don't know how but if you have and ideas please tell me so I can just end my life and it needs to be fast I was thinking of probably getting shot or fall of a cliff I don't know I think the cliff one is better

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