You're My Last Chance

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As night fell properly in the outside world, things were starting to quiet down in the hospital: nurses doing their final rounds before handing over to the night shift crew, patients getting ready to sleep, relatives starting to head home for a meal and a rest themselves. All seemed normal.

Except, it wasn't: to Ant, it was anything BUT normal.

After leaving the conversation-that-shall-never-be-mentioned-again behind him, he had wandered through the hallways of the hospital looking for an escape. His feet had had other ideas, and he found himself back at the entrance to the ICU.

Sighing heavily, he pushed open the door and walked into the room. The nurses at their stations didn't even look up as he entered - they were so used to his presence by now that it was as normal to them as the sight of an IV pole or an ECG monitor.

Still travelling on auto-pilot, Ant strode over to the cubicle where Dec was sleeping, some tiny part of him hoping desperately that something had changed - that Dec had somehow miraculously recovered while they'd been away.

No such luck, of course: his friend was still in exactly the same position as he'd left him.

Closing the curtain behind him, Ant planted himself down on the end of the bed - listening to the beeping of the monitors and the whooshing of the ventilator. 

"Decs? You here?" he whispered, not really expecting an answer. Nothing.

He bit his lip, trying mightily to keep his emotions in check, despite the lone tear that trickled down his cheek.

"The others have given up, mate - they're saying they're going to let you go" he continued, voice nearly breaking as he spoke.

"They're all sure you're not going to get better - that you're not going to wake up. You've gotta prove them wrong, pal" at this point, his voice did break and a whimpering sob escaped his throat.

"I don't know how to help you - you told me that you were still here, that you're still fighting. Well you're running out of time, son; so you better hurry up and prove it to us."

Ant had to stop there, emotions getting the better of him. Tears leaked out from his eyes and more sobs welled up in his throat - a few managing to escape.

Still no sign from his friend.

Regaining a little of his composure, Ant leaned in close and whispered "I don't want to do this without you: you're my best mate, and I don't want to lose you. None of us do."


Ant leaned forward and put his head onto Dec's chest, tears flowing freely now.

"Please, please wake up kidda" he murmured softly, before the sobs finally took over.

As Ant cried into his friend's chest, the heart monitor was showing a change - and it wasn't a good one.

His heart rate was dropping - he was dying.


Back in the chapel, Dec was still reeling at the strange man's revelation. An angel? Really?

"Prove it."

The strange man cocked his head to the side, as if not understanding his request.

"Prove what?" he asked, frowning a little.

"Prove you're an angel" Dec answered, folding his arms across his chest and narrowing his eyes. Alphonse hid a smile at the sight - remembering a certain stubborn little boy doing the exact same thing, a long time ago.

His friend smiled at his son, and suddenly there was a clap of thunder. The loud noise startled Dec a bit, making him jump. As they continued to watch, there was a flash of lightning and the shadowy silhouettes of wings flickered onto the chapel wall.

In My Time of DyingWhere stories live. Discover now