1- I'm John Laurens in the place to be.

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I hate planes. And I hate airports.. It's been a long ass day and its only 4 pm.

"Taxi!!" I waved frantically. God, New York City is beautiful, but I'm so tired. I carried my luggage and packed it into the back seat. "Destination, sir?" The cap asked. "King's College" I replied. "Sure thing... Uh," "-Alexander. Alexander Hamilton." I bluntly said. "Ah, Alexander. Sit back and enjoy the ride, its about 25 minutes." "Great." I mumbled. I put in my headphones and decided to drown myself in music. As they say, when words dont speak, music does.

25 minutes later

"Alexander, we arrived at your destination." The cab driver said. "Wonderful, how much?" I asked taking out my wallet. "That'll be $48.97." He smiled. "Jeez, here." I handed him. "Good luck kid." "Thanks." I said, grabbed my luggage and got out. I assume, yeah, this looks like the entrance. I walked through the large welcoming doors. Subtle. Yeah, I have no idea where the hell I'm-

"Hey man, ya lost?"
Holy shit...

"Uh, yeah." I managed to say. "I'm John Laurens, you new here?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, Alexander.. Alexander Hamilton." He shook my hand. "Eh, we're all sorta new set up is different this year, and its only November. You didnt come too late." He said bluntly. "Nice." I replied. Alex, what the actual fuck? 'Nice' ??

"Can I help you find your room, yeah?" He looked at me.
"Actually, yeah I have no clue where the hell I'm going.." I admitted. "What's your dorm number?" "-It's uh, 10B:259." I read off the card. "No way! You're my new roommate I was suppost to get today." He smiled. "Wow, cool." Wow, cool. Alex what the fuck are you doing..

"C'mon, I'll show you where it is." He said. I followed him. An elevator, damn how many floors does this place have??

John, (Jackie)

No one told me my roommate was cute as hell.

"Here it is." I opened the door. "Damn, its pretty open spaced." Alex said. "Yeah, but check out his view. 10th floor has its perks." I said. His eyes widened. "It's, beautiful.." He said. "You've never been to New York have you?" I asked. "No, actually. I come from Nevis, a small town in the Caribbeans. It was a, kinda wrecked by a hurricane, and well, I came here to get a good education, was always a dream of mine." He said. "I'm- sorry, about the hurricane.. That must've been awful. But you came to the right place to get an education." I said in sympathy. "Yeah, it was pretty bad, but I'm here now, so-" "-I'm sorry." I mumbled. He looked at me. "Don't apologize." He smiled faintly. "Oh." I said.

We sat there in silence for a little while. "So, um you probably wanna unpack, I'll show you your room." I said. He grabbed his luggage. "Wow, its, got tall ceilings, I like it." He said, admiring the room. "Yeah, it's pretty cool, that's one of the things I love about here, the dorm rooms are so comfortable." I sighed. "I'll let you unpack, Alexander." I waved. "Please, it's Alex to friends." He said. I felt a blush rush to my cheeks. "Friends?" I asked. "Well, I'd sure hope so." He held out his hand. I shook it. "Yeah." I closed his door. Laurens, what are you getting yourself into..

I walked to my room, sitting down on my bed. I opened the group chat with my friends Lafayette, Peggy, and Hercules.

Turtleboi1776- Hey guys.
Pantslookhot- yeo yeo.
Andpeggy59- Jackie!
Hardrocklikelancolot- Mon ami!
Turtleboi1776- Wyd
Andpeggy59- Wondering if you got ur damn roommate yet.
Pantslookhot- ^^ !!
Hardrocklikelacolot- oui!! Tell us!
Turtleboi1776- okay damn. He's chill.. Nice, has a passion for adventure.
Andpeggy59- you like him!
Turtleboi1776- Damn Peggy, why you gotta say that about every guy I run into, idek if he's gay so chill tf out.
Pantslookhot- Oh shit, Jackie got himself a boyfriend.
Hardrocklikelanolot- What's his name!
Turtleboi1776- Alexander.
Andpeggy59- ohh cute!
Hardrocklikelanolot- AHH MON AMI ITS PERFECT.
Pantslookhot- that's adorable.
Turtleboi1776- Y'all annoying smh..
Turtleboi1776- oh shit he's calling me, be right back.
Andpeggy59- awwee, go get ur bf
Turtleboi1776- peggy I stg.

"Yeah, Alex?" I "Bathroom?" He said. "Oh, yeah, it's right there." I point. "Thanks." He smiled. I blushed. John Laurens.. What are you doing.

Turtleboi1776- He wanted to know where the bathroom was.
Hardrocklikelancolot- awwe. Jackie.
Andpeggy1776- AWEEE.
Pantslookhot- cute.
Turtleboi1776- you guys are unbelievable..
Hardrocklikelanolot- oui!
Pantslookhot- yea!
Turtleboi1776- actually guys, I'm gonna have to cancel. I wanna help him unpack and give him a tour.
Andpeggy59- aww, cutie. My bean is growing up.
Turtleboi1776- stfu Peggy.
Hardrocklikelanolot- alright.. We won't interrupt your time with Alexander.
Pantslookhot- ^^
Andpeggy59- Bye bye Jackie.
Turtleboi1776- bye guys.

"Alex!" I shout. "Yeah?" He came out of his room. "You need help unpacking?" I asked. He smiled. God, he's beautiful. "No, but I could sure use a break from it." My eyes widened. "I could show you around campus?" I said. "S-sure, that'd be fun honestly."

He grabbed his jacket. I grabbed mine, and my phone.

Turtleboi1776- guys im not gonna answer my phone for a few. I may or may not be taking Alex on a tour around campus.
Andpeggy59- Ahh, and we may or may not happen to be the cafe so you may or may not should stop there..
Hardrocklikelancolot- oui Mon ami ^^
Turtleboi1776- okay, okay I'll go.
Andpeggy59- YAY
pantslookhot- YES.
Turtleboi1776- okay lmao

"Alex?" I ask. "Yeah?" He looks at me. "You wanna, grab something at the coffeehouse?"

"Yeah." He smiled. We walked there. "Jackie!" Peggy ran up to me attacking me in a hug. "Hey pegs." I smiled. "This is Alex.." I blushed. "Ooh, the famous Alex I keep hearing about." She smiled. Alex nervously chuckled. "Peggy, all I said was he is my new roommate, nothing else." Shit, am I blushing too hard ??

"Well, I'm Alexander Hamilton, nice to meet you Peggy." He shook her hand. She looked at me smirking. "Quite a gentlemen, Alex." He smiled. "Mon ami!" Laf ran to me hugging me as well. "Laf!" I said. "This, is Alex, my new roommate. Alex, this is Lafayette." Alex shook Laf's hand. "Oui Oui Mon ami, nice to meet you." Laf smiled. "This is Hercules, my, boyfriend." He introduced Herc. "Oh, hi, nice to meet you." Alex smiled kindly. I internally face palmed.

"Nice to see you guys here, did you already eat?" I asked. They nodded. "Yeah, we're gonna head back to our dorms, you two can grab a coffee tho." She smiled. "Peggy.." I started to say. "Non, mon ami, goodbye." Laf waved and Herc put his arm around him. They all walked away.

Alex looked at me. I'm pretty sure I just turned a shade of red. "Some friends, hey?" I shyly said. "Yeah. It's fine. You have me now, right?" He smiled. My eyes widened again. "Yeah, of course." I smiled. There was a pause. A pause that made my heart stop. Alex stared at me, and I stared back. We just met, a few hours ago, but damn, those few hours made my life feel full again. Is it safe to say I might've fallen for Alexander Hamilton?

Hello people of Wattpad. I hope this didnt suck, but it probably did. I'm actually really looking foreward to writing this book tho, I love Lams, and College fanfics/AU'S If you're a fan of Jaele, (Jace Norman+ Riele Downs) you can view my profile and check out my other books. Bare with my through the cringiness of my writing. I hope you find a way to enjoy it. Next Chapter should be up by late tonight or tomorrow. Cya ❄️✨

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