7- Canada?? Part 2

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I started this in 2017 but it's 12:24 right now!! 24 minutes into the new year!! First chapter to be published in 2018!

"Well now, welcome to Whistler!" A woman walked up to us. John and I exchanged glances, trying not to laugh at her weird, but adorable accent. "Bonjour Mademoiselle, merci, for the beautiful welcome." Laf kissed her hand. The young woman got excited. "You speak French! OH MON DIEU!!
je suis si content!" She exclaimed. "Oui, is a pleasure to meet someone who can also speak a language as beautiful as la Françe!" He smiled. She giggled. Herc clenched his fist. "Non, mi amor, is no reason to be jealous, no?" Laf took his hands, kissing his cheek. I smiled. "They're an amazing couple." I smiled. "Yeah, the best." He agreed. "Not as good as we could be." I mumbled. "What?!" John looked at me. "Nothing!"

We all got our luggage and walked into the lodge. "And, two of our finest bell hops, will assist you with your luggage and guide you to the kings and queen's house, where you will be staying." The woman smiled, bowing. Two young men, with smiles of gold, took our luggage and put it perfectly even on the two carts.

"Right this way." One of them called. Leading us to a part of the lodge that was awfully large. They stopped infront if the door, opening it. "This," they both stepped inside, "Is the Kings and Queens house. There are 5 bedrooms, each one with their own bathrooms. The kitchen, dining room, and of course as you can see, large living room." One of them said. "Adieu, and enjoy your stay." The other waved and they both walked away.

John (Jackie)
Alex was wide eyed. We all were, except for the sisters, as they were used to this kind of thing, but I mean Alex looked like he didn't know what to do with himself. "Alex, are you alright?" I chuckled. "Uh, yeah- I just- damn..." His eyes trailed off, up, and back down again, right to left, scanning the large room.

"So, let's work out rooms." Peggy said. "Angelica, obviously has her own room, Herc and Laf obviously sharing. Eliza in her own room. That's three, and there are 5... I get one room to myself.. and- oh shit, John, Alex, unless one of you wants the couch, you're stuck in the same room, with the same bed." She said. "Uh, not my exact imagine.. but, okay." I rub the back of my neck. I think it's obvious I'm excited, but Alex isn't gay so, I have to pretend like I'm just going with the flow.

"Cool." Alex shrugged. Eliza smiled.

Everyone scattered off to their rooms, which were mostly pretty spaced apart.

"So, uh.. I guess we're like this for the next week." I sigh. "What's wrong with that?" He looked up from his phone. "Nothin' I just-" "Shh, you talk to much." He put his finer to my mouth. I got extreamly red. "A-alex.." I trailed off. "I was joking John, loosen up princess. It's vacation! I've never even had a vacation before, I've never left Nevis until I came to New York! I didn't know such places as this existed." He says, letting go. "Now, let's set up the bed and room." He smiled. I was in shock. How is he so calm about this!! Right, because he's not gay, and he doesn't have feelings for me.

We made our bed, and set up our bathroom. "So, do you know how to hike, or skii?" Alex asked after lying on our bed for a few. "Uh, yeah." I said. "Hmm, can you teach me?" I asked. "Yeah, tomorrow, I suppose." I replied. "Thankyou Princess." He smiled. I jumped at the nickname. Why's he gotta be so goddamn cute.

"Alex, John!" There was a knock on the door. I knew it was Peggy. "Come in!" I shouted. "Hey, what'chya guys doing?" She sat on the bed with us. "Not much as you can see." Alex answered, focused on his laptop. "Hm, what do you guys suggest we do for dinner cause everyone's hungry as fuck." She played with her nails. "I dont know, isnt there like 5 restaurants and cafe's in this thing? And like a gift shop of somekind?" I asked. "I guess so, I'll check the brochure." She walked out. She was back in 6 minutes. "Yeah, there are 4 restaurants and a gift shop." She said. "Okay, what kinds." I asked. "Well, since you are a coffee freak, and I assume Alex is too, there is a little cafe that serves coffee and bagels, and breakfast and lunch stuff so.. And then there is a Hibachi place. And then there is a regular restaraunt for like everything, burgers, fish, hotdogs, steak, chicken, all that.. And um, a seafood place. And then there is a more high class bar and grill place and yeah that's about it." She trailed off as she put the brochure down. "Uh, well I'm down for a cool night of Hibachi, I mean, live fire cooking and beer? Hell yeah." I smiled. "Okay, I'll ask everyone else. What about you, Alex." She looked up. "I've uh, never.. Been to any place like any of those? Or Hibachi.. I mean, it sounds cool. Do they really cook with fire?" He asked. "Yeah, right in front of you, and they do cool tricks and stuff." I smiled. "I'm with John on Hibachi then." He smiled. "Awesome, I'll ask everyone else." She got up once more and walked out closing the door behind her.

Alex and I were silent. I was about to say something when there was another knock at the door. "Come in." I said. "So, everyone agrees, Hibachi, and drinks." She winked. We nodded.


"Woah." Alex said, looking around. "This place is beautiful." I smiled. "Yeah you are."

"W-what?" He looked at me. DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD HOLY FUCKKKK

"Uh, what- did you say something?" I pretended to be clueless. He looked at me weirdly.
"Guys, cmon, this one." Angie called us over.

We sat down. I was in-between Alex and Peggy. The waitress came over to each of us, asking what we wanted, handing us menus. "John, what is all this?" Alex leaned close to me. "Uh- um, this is lo mein, it's noodles, it's good. And um, well, you know what chicken is, okay, and uh-" Alex put his hand on mine. "Why are you so jumpy and nervous." He asked. "Relax." He whispered. I became flustered. "Okay." I whispered.

The chef walked over.

"Hello, hello, hello, how are we all doing tonight? Good, eh, yeah, good." He smiled. Alex clutched my hand. "John, he frightens me." I chuckled. "Yeah, they frightened me too when I first tried it. It's fun I promise." I smiled.

The chef cooked and did the usual tricks. I watched Alex's adorable reactions and each swig I took, the more relaxed I felt. Everyone felt loose and we were soon out of the restaurant outside.

"It's freezing." Peggy said. "Yeah, but I feel like dancing." Eliza swayed. Everyone was sobering up now. "I got an idea, we can all put on some music back at the house and grab a few more drinks." I said. "Yeah! Sounds fun." Peggy cheered. "I agree." Angie smiled. "Yeah so do I." Alex smiled.
Once we all walked back and set up some drinks and music, we were all dancing.

And then the salsa came on. "Oh I know this! My mother taught it to me." Alex smiled. "I need a partner." He said. "John will do it." Peggy shoved me towards him. "No- I-I don't d-dance -" Alex placed his hands on my waist. "Alex I-I don't r-really-", "shhhh." He hushed me. "Wrap your arms around my neck." He guided. "Uh-huh, now here, take my hand.." he instructed. "And ready? One step, two step, back step, back step, side step. There, your getting it! Uh-huh, and twirl, and dip," he twirled and dipped me. "Mhmmm, and another step and twirl your hips, step back, and forward.. you're getting it Jackie." He smiled looking into my eyes. I smiled. And kept dancing and dancing and we got closer and closer and closer. He turned me around so we were rocking in a slow motion. He turned me around, again, taking control,  leading me sideways and forward and backwards. He dipped me and-

There was applause.. we came out of the world we created. "You- you're a lovely dancer.." he breathed. "Thanks." I mumbled. We sat down and watched Peggy dance with Lafayette. They danced to one of their favorite songs, it was up- beat and cheerful.
The night went on, it was fun. And everyone loosened up. It was getting late.

Christmas was in 3 days.

"We should go to bed." Angie said. "Yeah." Eliza yawned. We all took off to our rooms again, saying goodnights and I love you's.

I took off my shirt, looking over at Alex who was only in boxers. "I hope you don't mind.. I always sleep like this." He rubbed the back of his neck.. "Uh- hum.. uh- n-no, it's no one's.." I breathed and continued changing.

We shut the lights out and laid down. I lied awake..

Oh Alex, when will you learn to stop making me helpless.


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