Chapter 2 : Hurt

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"Man, I have no other words to say than, I had a headache with that Biology shit." Ian said as he met Leo on the cafeteria who finished his math class. They both sat down at a corner since Leo declared that he "didn't want attention from anyone". They sat down and started eating their food when a pretty girl suddenly approached them.

"H-Hi, I'm Shiela, and I was wondering if I can join you?, I'm quite n-new here and I don't know anybody else." She said.
Leo didn't budge from eating his food because stuttering because of hot guys was so 1990s, while Ian was more than happy to sit with the pretty girl.
They talked about everything that happened that day, from their first subjects, to the professors. Well, only Ian and Shiela since Leo was "busy" with his phone.

As lunch ends, they both wave goodbye to the girl and got into their class since they both have English. They got into the room and sat down at the back together. Leo brought out his notebook and pencil while Ian chatted with the girls upfront the whole time.

*bell rings*

"Dude, I am starving right now, pizza or chicken?" Ian asks, even though he knew Leo well, he still respects his bestfriend's decisions.
"Rice. Definitely rice." Leo said firmly while packing his books.

They left the classroom and headed towards their favorite buffet restaurant featuring different kinds of meat, from chicken, to pork, to beef. They sat down for only a matter of seconds to arrange their bags, then ran up to the grilling station where they filled their plate with everything that they can find. They talk slow and they ate fast while remembering the good old days in North Carolina. Leo enjoyed the night, simply because the most important things in his life is right there. Food. His bestfriend.

After what felt like hours, they finally head home. Ian's apartment was just underneath Leo's so they really don't have to be seperated from time to time. Or they don't have any choice but to live there. Ian's parents was supportive of every decision of their son while Leo's was a bit unsupportive. Although Ian is just an average college boy with a five-thousand-dollar allowance monthly, he was more than happy to still be with his bestfriend after all these years. Leo's parents seperated when he was 12, but they both still cared for him. He lives by himself but is given an allowance of $10,000 by each of his parents monthly, he lives a life of luxury although without a mom and a dad.

He likes that he can do whatever he wants, buy whatever he wants, live however he wants, but he cannot choose whatever he wants. His mom chose this school for him, his mom chose his course, thankfully he likes it. His dad chose where he would live, his dad would also be the one to choose who he would marry. It sucks.

Ian chose to stay at his bestfriend's flat since they haven't played video games for God knows how long. They played until their eyes hurt, and their limbs exhausted.

"Man, when will I ever beat you out of street fighter shit?"Ian said.
"You never will." Leo declared with his head up.
"But I will always beat you when it comes to the ladies." Ian teased.
"Nobody cares about that shit, all I care is that I'm happy with who I am, and who I'm with, and that's all that matters." The boy stated.
"Awe, are you declaring your undying love for me buddy?" Ian continued to tease.
"You? Out of all people? Really?" Leo blurted out.
"Ouch?" Ian pouted but Leo just laughed at his bestfriend's reaction. He decided that tonight was their night.

They stayed in Leo's apartment until 11 p.m. when Ian decided that it was "bedtime" for him. Ian bid farewell to Leo and got downstairs to his own room. Leo was back to his pathetic self. His inner voices came back to remind him that he will never be successful in life. His old self that relied too much on Ian whenever he got problems, but this time, he told himself that he is matured enough. He thought.
"I really am pathetic." Leo muttered to himself as he plopped down onto his bed.
He closed his eyes and felt exhaustion creeping on to him, he waited, and waited, until he fell asleep.

At a tender young age of 8, Leo discovered that blood isn't always thicker than water, that even the ones closest to you could be the problems, that even your family can hurt you. Hurt people hurt people he claimed.

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