Chapter 4- Tessamine Lab.

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"Yep, it's me!" Ellie said she was a Sliggoo now. With a short grey body that was dripping with goo. Her back had some kind of shell on it so she resembled a snail. She had large fry antennae sticking out of her head and green spots going down her neck. Finally, she had bright green eyes and small stubby arms.

"Well, it's good to see you again," Omega said.

Karl stood, rubbing his head. "Wait isn't she the Goomy that pretended to join the guild and then ran away when we weren't looking?"

Ellie blushed. "Sorry about that. I was just really confused and scared at the time. I had no idea what had happened, but I'm really glad you guys came here. Things have been getting scary." She frowned and then continued.

"Normally all the dragons leave each other alone and only battle for fun and training. But ever since that weird tree Pokémon appeared it's been attacking everyone out of nowhere. They can't even fight back because he blindsides them."

Alpha huffed impatiently. "Then why not hang up against him?"

"We try to but he seems to vanish when we do, and then as we look for him because the mountain is so big we split up more and more and then it happens again!"

Melanie had just woken up and omega caught her up on what had happened. "Why not just get the ancient dragon to help?"

"The dragon doesn't allow visitors. Two of the strongest dragons guard the final floor and floors 40 to 45 are packed with Pokémon like Haxorus and Garchomp."

"Well, we just beat him so there's something. Now, where can I get a Dragon Fang?" Fuego demanded.

"Well, I have one from a few battles ago and we don't really use them because we have so many so you can have it." Ellie room out a sharp white fang and Fuego snatched it. "But you are right. I suppose he has been defeated now. Hopefully, we'll be left alone. But I guess you have to leave now..."

"Yes, that's how it works," Alpha confirmed.

"But wait, what about the Kakuna?" Omega remembered.

Ellie tilted her head. "There's no way a Kakuna would be able to get all the way to the 15th floor."

"That's odd. Some strange Exeggutor appears and then a fake request? I don't like it, whatever it is." Melanie said.

"We can tell Zax all about it. But right now let's just get back. I'm exhausted." Karl grunted.

"Hey, guys... could I come with you all? I know I left last time but I really want to join the guild now. I'm sorry about that but I hope you can forgive me." Ellie said and Omega grinned.

"Of course you can Ellie. Welcome to the guild!"

"Great, another wet noodle. We need some more hardcore traders like myself." Fuego said.

Alpha lumbered over to him. "Look, kid, I don't know who you think you are but nobody likes it. Go on your own adventures, make an honest team, and stop living off scams."

Fuego laughed at him. "You think bossing me around is going to work? You're hilarious! You people think you can change me with a few kind words or by yelling at me! Keep dreaming suckers!"

Everyone was so exhausted they didn't even bother trying to argue with him, they unanimously decided to leave and try again another day.

Meanwhile at the Guild.

Maryland was looking over dozens of articles and files that she'd gotten from the town library and from Zax's library.

"Oh come on it's gotta be somewhere." She scoured the files, the only thing she couldn't find is what she needed. At that moment Flutter flew by her, seeing her distress he landed on one of the papers. "Pardon my asking but what seems to be bothering you miss Maryland?"

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