My new friend

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Marcus:"Hey Fat Ass take this." He punched me in the face.
His posey came and started to beat the crap out of me.
Me:"Please stop" I said tearing up.
Lucas:"Why it's so much fun to watch you get hurt." He said laughing.
Me:"Please stop please."

I woke up:

Me:"Thank God it was just a dream."

I woke up feeling a little scared about today cause when I dream those usually come true, and to be honest I don't want to get beaten up again.

Ever since summer of tenth grade I have started to loose a little weight but my stepmom calls me "Captain Fat Pants" still; oh well anyways first day at Junior year huh? How exciting! Just kidding I'm really nervous cause I really don't want to get bullied again.

Anyways I got in my shower and wore👇

(Guys this is what Isabel's BODY looks like entering Junior Year, and also the outfit

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(Guys this is what Isabel's BODY looks like entering Junior Year, and also the outfit. Keep Reading 😁)

I decided to start changing my look a little bit just hoping that people won't bother me that much anymore, but also for myself you know cause I wanna be different and hopefully people appreciate different.

I wore my glasses and headed downstairs, I made some eggs just to vary from the regular pancake meal. I ate it and went to the bus; luckily there was an empty seat so I sat don't in it and started to listen to music.

Of course Marcus's gang and "popularity" entered the bus and as usual they sat at the back.

Fun Fact Marcus and Amanda are not together anymore, cause Marcus caught Amanda cheating with Tristan. Which I felt glad so he can have a taste of what it's like feeling hurt by other people. Right now they are still friends but they barely talk to each other.

So any who while I was listening to my music this really cute boy, who I haven't seen at the school, entered the bus. I guess he was trying to find a place to sit, but there wasn't any.
I look up at him and stare at his beautiful eyes; he smiles and says.

"Can I sit with you"

Me:"Yeah of course, be my guest."

He sat down next to me, HOLY SHIT HE IS GORGEOUS!

"Hi I'm Ethan."

Me:"Hi I'm Isabel"

Ethan:"Nice to meet you."

Me:"Same here; So you are new to the school huh?"

Ethan:"Yeah I guess you can say that."

I giggled

Ethan:"U have a cute laugh."

Me:"Oh me please I don't have a..."

Amanda:"Hi you must be new I'm Amanda."

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