Warm Welcome To New Rommies.

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Yuu's POV.

Yuu was definetly jealous? He didn't know exactly what he felt as he studied the brown haired omega standing by the door clutching Mika's arm. As if trying to brag with his eyes that mika belonged to him.

Yuu rolled his amused eyes knowing he probably will have issues with this omega.

'Great another love triangle..guess i'll fuck up this relationship too' yuu thought to himself.

"Well what are you guys waiting for come sit down we have to introduce ourselves and assign rooms." shinoa spoke breaking the unnerving silence, as she hopped down from the couch she was previously jumping on.

Causing yuu and kuro to break of the hard eye contact, with a huff yuu turned back around in his spot on the couch.

The group immediately gathered into the lodging room taking the vacant spots on the couches, and as usual yuu felt like an outcast as the couples sat together with their mates, holding their hands, or wrapping an arm around them.

These moments made yuu regret ever being born into this world, because he will never be able to find a steady good relationship.

As if sensing his misery, mika's mate shot yuu a sly smirk as he plopped himself onto mika's lap who seemed oblivious to what his mate just did as they were occupied on the other end of the couch "did this bitch just smirk at me?" yuu thought.

The strange exchange didn't seem to go unnoticed by shinoa though, her eyes glimmered with something yuu had never seen.

Yuu was about to shoot her a look and ask why the hell she was staring at kuro like that, she's not the one who had beef with him. It was Yuu...

Standing up from her spot on the couch "Okay we'll go first" shinoa spoke up grabbing mistuba's hand causing her to stand up as well "Im Shinoa Hiragi, junior currently and mistuba is my alpha"

Mistuba's face flushed with pride as she introduced herself as well " Im Mistuba Sangu, junior as well and shinoa is my omega." She silently mused, the purple haired gave her quick peck as a 'reward' is what yuu assumed.

Gag sounds could be heard throughout the room mostly from kimizuki. Shinoa responds by flicking him off then making disgusting hand gestures

"Next" shinoa ordered as if we were in court, the previous two sat down.

"Kimuzuki Shiho, and Yoichi is my property don't touch. Junior by the way" kimizuki stated proudly as he grabbed yoichi closer to him, the little one was a blushing mess as he tried covering his embarrassed face.

"um..im Yoichi Saotome, my alpha is kimizuki and im currently a junior, i-i hope we all get along well" yoichi spoke as he smiled shyly ..

Yuu cooed at the cute sight..

The next three couples to introduce themselves were akane&narumi, chess&horn, and lacus&rene went by quick.

Yuu learned that akane was mika's mate twin which was no surprise yuu had suspected earlier they looked so much alike, he also learned that lacus was a huge fan of his but didn't want to show it much at the party for obvious reasons only yuu and mika could pick up..speaking of which it was finally the couple yuu had 'not' been looking forward to introducing themselves.

Dreading the moment yuu tried to control his scent to mask his current emotions. He was getting irritated not only because of mika's mate but because mika had been acting as if he didn't exist since he walked through that door.

My Omega |MikaYuu|Where stories live. Discover now