Kids will be Kids

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IMPORTANT TO THE STORY: I converted Asgardian years to Midgard years and age 6 is 375 years, so the story takes place when you're about 6 in our years, 375 in Asgardian years. Loki is 500, 8 in human years, Thor is 625, 10 in human years.(I did the math myself, I'm so proud)

H/L hair length, H/C hair color, E/C eye color

"Y/N!" you heard Frigga call out, her voice was demanding in a soft way. Your mother ushered you out of the kitchen where she worked and told you to have fun with the queen. About 375 years ago, your mother found herself pregnant and from that time  Frigga did everything in her power to make sure you, the only child of a servant in the palace, and your mother were well taken care of and safe. Frigga just began teaching you about 2 weeks ago. She would teach you about the history of Asgard and the 9 realms, even talking about her own side of the story here and there. 

While Frigga was waiting for you she decided to round up her boys, Loki and Thor. Loki was about 500 and Thor was about 625. "Now she can be shy when you meet her, but once you get to know her she will be as talkative as talkative can be."Loki and Thor just looked at Frigga confused. 

"You two seemed confused." Frigga kneeled down, coming face to face with the boys. "Who is this  'she' that you are talking about, mother?" Loki asked ever so politely.  "Y/N,  I have been teaching her for a few weeks now. I think it's time you two meet her." Frigga replied smiling wide at her two boys. 

Before their conversation could continue, the pattering of two tiny feet came from the hall behind Loki and Thor. They turned around and saw a frail girl with beautiful H/L H/C, and shimmering E/C eyes, and the cutest smile on her face. She was in a dirty green dress, the style Loki and Thor recognized immediately, a servant. They were amazed at two things that their mother was teaching a servant girl and that she was that beautiful even though she was a servant and much younger than both of them.

She almost fell over due to the large book in her hand but was caught by a laughing Frigga. Y/N stood up as Frigga took the book and held it under her shoulder as she led Y/N over to Loki and Thor. 

When Y/N saw Thor and Loki she immediately hid behind Frigga and began shaking violently. "It's fine we're not here to harm you," Thor said as Loki held out a hand for Y/N to take. Frigga laughed to herself seeing the scene displayed in front of her. "Y/N these are my two sons, Loki and Thor," she said bringing Y/N's small frame in front of her while holding her shoulders.

Y/N brought herself to meet their eyes and give a tiny wave. She even mustered up enough courage to give a  "Hello,  my name is Y/N." But after that was over her head sunk and she avoided eye contact with both boys. 

"Well," Frigga spoke up, "you two are dismissed, you are free to do as you please." Thor thanked his mother and ran off to train. Loki, however, spoke up saying, "May I join you two?" He looked to his mother with pleading eyes. "IF you promise to not be trouble," Frigga said jokingly knowing Loki behaved around her. "Thank you mother."

At the moment Y/N was about to cry and Loki sensed it. They began walking towards the library, the two children behind Frigga. When Loki saw a tear fall down the young girl's face, Loki wiped it away and courageously wrapped an arm around her shoulder for comfort. "I'm not as bad as I seem, you know." Y/N looked up at Loki with big doe eyes and smiled, something that made this young boy's heart flutter.

"It's not you, I'm always SUPER shy around new people." her voice was light. Loki smiled at the young girl as they entered the library. "So where are we in our history?" Loki said still smiling at Y/N. Frigga chuckled and tapped Loki on the shoulder, "Something you've read about many times." Y/N ran to their normal spot, leaving Frigga and Loki to talk. "You two would make a lovely couple someday," Frigga said quietly to Loki. Loki looked at Frigga and simply shook his head, "I'm sure she'd choose someone like Thor over me, I'm sure everyone would." Loki said and walked off. 

"She likes you just as much as you like her, even if you can't bring yourself to see it, she does," Frigga said walking past Loki to Y/N. "Shall we start our lesson?"

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