Shooting (part two)

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Third Person POV

A little later, they arrive at the Grassi house hold.

"I know that you're still shaken up from what just happened. Why don't you go upstairs for a little while and relax?" Nel suggests to the two boys. They nod and thank her before Scott picks Mitch up and carries him to Mitch's room.

"What's going on, my love?" Scott asks, after they close the door and sit down on the bed. Mitch looks at Scott with tears in his eyes, his bottom lip starting to wobble.

"W-we could've.. You a-almost.." Mitch rambles, still in shock.

"Shh.. It's okay. I'm okay. See? Not even a scratch. Baby girl, you're safe now and I won't let anything happen to you. I protected you once and I won't hesitate for even a second to do it again. What happened was scary, and you can take all the time you need to heal from it. I will be right by your side." Scott gently tells him.

"What if he had shot you? What if you got shot and died?! I c-can't deal with the thought of losing you! How are you not freaking out?!" Mitch yells, now standing up, careful not to put weight on his wounded leg.

"Mitchy, look at me. Not at the wall, not at the ground, look at me." Mitch slowly obeys and looks at his boyfriend's ocean blue eyes.

"I've been through this before. I lived on a military base with my uncle for five years, I heard gunshots everyday which is why I'm not freaking out. Princess, you could ask yourself all of these 'what if' questions and freak yourself out. Or you could realize that the situation won't change. The point is, I didn't get shot and I didn't die. I won't die for a long time, Angel." Scott tells him, his hands still on the smaller boy's face so he won't look away.

"B-but he c-could've--" Mitch starts, but Scott gently shushes him.

"But he didn't. I'm here and I'm okay and you have nothing to worry about." Mitch nods slowly before sitting back down, cuddling up to Scott after he sits, too.

"Scotty?" Mitch asks after a few minutes. Scott hums in acknowledgment. "Why did you live on a military base with your uncle?" He asks, looking up at him.

"When I was 6, someone accused my parents of abusing me. Unfortunately, the person convinced the jury that she had evidence of it and I got taken away from them. It wasn't enough to send them to jail, though. So, they sent me with my uncle since he was the closest. I lived there until I was 11, when my parents got me back and then I met you." Scott tells Mitch, booping his nose, making the brunette giggle.

"Then you met me." Mitch repeated quietly with a small smile.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way, wanna know why?" Scott tells him, glancing down at his lips.

"Why?" Mitch asks.

"Because I love you." He whispers, capturing Mitch's lips in a kiss, which is soon broken due to them smiling.

"I love you too." Mitch tells him.

Meanwhile downstairs...

"Today we are here at Arlington High School where there was a shooting around 9:36 AM. They believe it was Kurt Wilson, a senior at AHS. They found 31 students and staff dead at the scene and another 53 injured. More to come later..." Mike turns off the TV after that, everyone silent, as that could have been their sons dead. Just as they were about to say something, Scott and Mitch came down.

"MOTHA!" Scott calls from the stairs, making everyone else laugh.

"Yes, Scottybuckets?" She replies once he stands in front of her.

"We're hungry. By 'we' I mean me. Mitch claims he's not but I can tell. He's getting a little snappy." Scott whispers the last part, as if Mitch isn't on his back, earning a flick to the head from his boyfriend.

"Wow you're so funny. Anyways, what can we eat?" He asks the parents, who all look at each other.

"Boys we want to talk to you and you might want to sit down." Rick starts. Scott sits down and places Mitch in his lap, who curls up right away, holding Scott's hand.

"So the news came on and there were 31 people dead on sight, with 53 more injured. And, the shooter... he went to your school." Connie tells them, making their eyes widen.

"W-who was it?" Scott questioned, holding Mitch tighter.

"They said his name is Kurt Wilson. Do you know him? He sounds familiar."

"Yeah, he was in choir with us. He was an interesting guy, but I didn't think he'd shoot up the school. Did they catch him?"

"Yes they caught him. He'll most likely be in for life, so you have nothing to worry about."

*** (Surprise time jump to that night cuz nothing else interesting Happens :D)

It was now 11:27 at night and the boys were both asleep in Mitch's bed when Scott was awoken by a whimper so quiet that he wasn't even sure it actually happened. It was silent for another minute, and right before he was about to go back to sleep, he hears another one.


No response.

Suddenly, Mitch starts thrashing and crying in his sleep.

"Mitch!" Scott tries a little louder this time, but to no avail. He gently shakes him, continuing to say his name, until the small boy finally jolts awake. He looks panicked for a second, before his eyes fall on his boyfriend. He lets out a sob and hugs him as tight as he could.

"I-I t-th-thought... a-and t-then..." He's cut off by his own sob. Scott stands up and gently picks up Mitch, holding him on his hip, swaying back and forth like you would do with a toddler. He hums a soothing song until he feels Mitch to get heavier. Once he does, Scott lays them both back down in bed, holding his boy tightly.

"I'm okay and you're okay. I love you, baby boy." Scott whispers, not expecting a reply. Mitch taps Scott's arm 3 times in response, making Scott smile slightly before falling back asleep.

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