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"Mitchy, I'm home." Scott painfully calls out.

"Hey, how was- What happened?" Mitch's eyes widen when he sees Scott with cuts and bruises everywhere.

"I was at a club and our song How You Feeling came on. Someone came up to me and asked who the higher voice was. I told them it was you and they started talking shit, I told him he was just jealous of your amazing voice, which caused them to swing at me. I fought back and well, it lead to this. I won, if that helps." He explained and Mitch gently pulled him to the bathroom to clean his wounds.

"Thank you for sticking up for me, Scotty." Mitch told him, sitting Scott in the edge of the bath tub so he could see his face. After about a minute, he realizes how close his face is to Scott's, seeing the blonde staring at his lips, making Mitch look down, blushing. Scott tilts his chin up and places a gentle kiss on the smaller boy's lips.

"I've always wanted to do that." Scott admits.

"I'm glad you finally did." Mitch whispers before going back for another kiss.


Scott and Mitch were sitting in the living room, watching Spongebob when Mitch thought he felt eyes on him. He looked over to his boyfriend to see him staring right at him, not even bothering to look away although he had be caught.

"What?" Mitch shyly asked, a blush forming on his cheeks. Scott didn't answer, he just shook his head and continued to stare with a small smile.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked again, quieter this time, his cheeks bright red.

"You're so fucking cute, baby boy." Scott finally responded, causing the brunette to smile.

"Thank you, Scotty."

After thoughts

It's 8:30 in the morning when Mitch wakes up, seeing Scott already awake. Last night was their First Time together, and they don't know what to do now.

Scott realizes Mitch is no longer sleeping and looks down at him, both blushing and looking away as soon as they make eye contact. They slowly look back at each other, when Scott opens his arms as a silent invitation for Mitch to lay. The latter accepts the invitation and lays his head on Scott's chest, tangling their legs. The couple decides to lay there for almost half an hour until Scott decides to speak.

"I love you, Mitch." He tells him, causing Mitch to look up at him and smile.

"I love you too, Scott."


Mitch was making dinner when he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist from behind and kisses being trailed down his neck.

"What is this?" Mitch asked as Scott continued.

"Affection." He answers shortly.

"Disgusting." Scott chuckles and starts to back away. After a few moments, he hears Mitch speak again.

"Wait, no, do it again, I like it." He returns to his previous activities as Mitch sighs contently and leans into his touch.

"Pleasant" Surprise

"Dad, I don't feel well." Kaci, their 13 year old daughter, tells Scott.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" He asks, concerned for his daughter.

"My stomach hurts, like at the bottom." She informs him, cringing in pain.

"Alright. Why don't you go lay down and I'll call Momma to pick something up while he's at the store, ok?" Kaci nods and slowly walks over to the couch, curling up into a ball.

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