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Pax had an older brother, a beautiful mother, and a handsome father. His brothers name was Spark. He was greedy and very handsome. Every girl in the kingdom would drool when he walked by. His mother was the fairest of all. She was admired by all the men and even some boys. Her name was Aleena But the king was lucky enough to win her hand in marriage. His father favored Pax. But only because Pax wasn't greedy. He gave his money to the people. His father's name was Karson. He and Aleena had been King and queen for about 10 years now. Sparky had joined the king's royal army. Pax had decided he would finally ask his father for a task. He had always wanted to help his father, but was to afraid to ask.

The day had finally come. Pax was 19. He knew his father had to say yes. He walked to his father's chambers and asked. " Father?" "Yes son. Is everything ok?" His father replied. "Of course! I was just wondering...might there be something I can do for you? I know you have a lot of things needing to be done." Pax hesitated for only a moment. " Son...there is one thing. But it would be very difficult. And could take a very long time to fulfill." Pax knew that his father didn't want to tell him the task, but he asked anyways. His father told him it was a message that needed to be taken to Norak. A letter that stated Rorak would agree to settle the feud between the two cities. " If the letter does not reach them by 2 months they would settle in war." His father explained. " I will do it! I can take the letter!" He said as he jumped. " Are you sure?" Karson asked. "Yes! When will I leave?" But what Pax didn't know, was that he was about to enter a whole new world.

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