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The sky is dark today
Because it is sad

Another shooting
Twenty-something killed
The third disaster within the span
Of only one month

There is a brick in my chest
It is weighing me down
Takes up space where it isn't needed
Makes it so so hard
To breathe

It is crushing everything else inside of me
It makes me want to cry
(I can't breathe I can't breathe Ican'tbreathe)

This is our new normal
This is normal
Why is it normal?

Nobody cares anymore
What's another group of dead people
Humans with lives
Hopes and dreams and family and loved ones
What more is another group of dead people
But a larger body count

We are dropping like flies
Everything is tearing at the seams
And no one seems to care
I can't breathe I can't breathe
I can't breathe

Dios altísimo ten misericordia

- - -

That wasn't my most carefully worded or eloquent poem, but honestly I've been feeling really sad because of the shooting that happened in Texas this weekend and that's what my sadness turned into. The last part of the poem basically translates to "Lord almighty have mercy", something that I've been saying a lot lately whenever I pray. But beyond that, I hope that all of us are doing more than just praying; I hope that we are taking action and making decisions that alter the way things are handled. I encourage anyone who is reading this to vote on this Election Day (if you are of age) for a governer that will take a stand on gun control that will actually make lives safer as I will be doing later today. We can't allow things to continue as they have, it is up to us to make the effort to change things no matter how small we feel our impact may be.

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