the last poem/chem exam/stay-departing duality

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To be, or not to be - that is the question.

 To see or not to see; to love or not to love.

 Should I stay or should I go? I don't know. 

I haven't been myself these past few days. 

As a general rule, I'm not a blue pen person.

 Sapphic memes, yet phallic dreams -

 What do? 

Cast back into fan-culture, but at what cost? 

She's out of home, she drinks, she smokes: 

She's too far gone for me.

 The unspoken pressure to be kinky - 

Let me master the basics first! 

I thought I knew the abc's but what I read is changing me

 I don't know what I'm meant to be in bed.

 What's going on in my head? 

It's ironic that in a chemistry exam I'm 

Questioning whether the chemistry's gone or there.

 Cold shivers. Cold coffee. Numb. 

My quest of spite has run its course 

No battles left to fight. 

Calculating the positives and negatives of my options. 

Uncertainty prevails. 

I'm both dead and alive. 

100 ways to say goodbye but 

Constant stress - is goodbye what I really want? 

Why did I let the lettuce cat 

replace her face?

  It wasn't aesthetic enough? 

Anxiety? Time for a change? 

Or the hypothetical sin that I've 

Lost interest... But I wouldn't be alone. 

One too many bee memes, she types my name 

She calls me kate instead of babe 

Is this the end is this the end 

I'm scared of losing friends 

And of letting my mother have her way: 

She'd use it as ammo to claim I'm straight. 

So do I stay or do I go or do I wait?

to the devil, from a ghost.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat