free steak!!

39 2 0

Gray: Listen to his story!! Listen to his story!!

Natsu: yea!! OK!! So I lived in this guy's old house and the doorbell rings while we're recording.

Natsu: I'm like what?? And I go check, so this dude he's like "Hey!! You want- you want some steak!!" I'm like "What??" And he goes "I got some really good steaks in- in the truck right now!!"-

Gray: *starts laughing*
Jellal: *starts laughing*

Natsu: - "No I'm good??..." And he goes "Ok!! Well I'll see you later!!" And he walks away!!

Gray: *laughs even more*
Natsu: some dude try na sell me steaks
Jellal: hhhmm I wonder why

Natsu: I know!! He's just at my door trying to sell me steaks!!

Jellal: yea what a loser!! Didn't even give you some product to try!!

Natsu: I know!! You wanna try some!?

Gray: *walks up full in naked* wanna try some sausage!!

Natsu and Jellal: *falls to floor laughing*


(From the animation Free Steak Minecraft Animation~ for those who know this!! You're welcome!!)

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