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"Hyung.. she's awake, come quickly!" Jimin's honey-like voice gently calls.

I blink. I blink I few times. Several blinks more, and then I jumped off of the soft surface I had been sleeping on. It hurt to move my limbs, and I realized that purple bruises were now placed throughout my arms and legs.

It was a hospital room, except.. there weren't any doctors around.

Jimin quickly comes to place me back onto the hospital bed, but I resist, trying to find a way to knock him out quickly. He seemed light, so I quickly tripped him with my right leg and when he hit the floor, I banged his head against the foot of the hospital bed.

But to no luck, he endures the pain and instead, grabs my wrist quickly and pins me to the ground, and pins my other wrist down as well. He was now directly on top of me, but before taking action or saying anything, he just looks down at me.

"W-why are you doing this-?" I murmur.

A...cute...smile appeared on his face as he looked at me from above, still pinning down my arms. He stifles a laugh, and he lowers his upper body so that his face hovered my head.

"Because.. I love you. I love you so much.." Jimin says no longer with his same honey like voice. His voice became murmuring hysterically. Then again, he repeats, "I love you. I love you. I love you-!"

With every word that passed his lips, another inch closer towards my face. "I love you.. I love you.." He kept repeating.

He tilted his head slightly and smoothly and leans in for a kiss. I, being unable to move my arms, laid there in shock. Before his lips landed on mine, I turn my head so that my left cheek was pressed onto the cold ground. His head stops for a moment, staring at my right cheek.

I stare at him from the corner of my eye, and see him pausing sadly. "You.. don't love me back..?"

Taking advantage of this moment, I kick him off of me with all the strength I could apply. At a certain position, I finally saw a placard that showed me where I was. It was my uncle's hospital room. The nurses just never removed his name from it.

Realizing it only now, Jimin was wearing the same black hoodie as the man on the cctv. I had the urge to question him, but in the position I was in, I guessed it'd be good to not. As once again, the same position had followed as before, except I was on top of him now.

It seemed as if the only thing he wanted to achieve in this room was a kiss. If that was all he wanted, I'd gladly do it if he promised to stop.

I leaned in. "You'll stop.. right?"

Jimin struggles. "N-no!! That's not how it works! Hyung! Come in here!" He calls.

"I don't usually fuck with people like you.." I say, looking away from him for a brief moment. Then again, I face him. "But if you stop, I'll do it. I'll kiss you..! Okay?!"

I watch his Adam's Apple bob up and down as he gulps down his uncertainty. He didn't make another noise, but a nod, and his facial expression becomes calmer.

"I-it's going to be my first.." I blush in frustration.

"Mine too.." Jimin whispers. "You don't have to do this..."

My head was nearly and inch above his face, and my arms became weaker and it became harder to hold my pose. We were in an awkward position, so if I were to relax my arms, I would land right on him, stomach and all.

Weakly, I hover centimeters closer. Just then, Jimin quickly frees his arms, taking advantage of my weak ones, and cups my cheeks. I stare in a mix of emotions, and I felt like a mess.

He looks at me with admiration. "This is what I like about you.. Here, relax, I won't do anything to you, I swear."

I slowly move off of him, and sit, leaning against the cabinets, relieving all the stress on my arms. Jimin sits next to me, our arms unintentionally brushing.

"You would do whatever it takes to make a situation stop... Even if that meant kissing the bad guy.. You must not be in your right mind, huh?" Jimin laughs, then turns to me. "I killed someone you loved, why would you do that? I really don't-I don't understand it.."

I stay silent as I watch him gaze at multiple objects in the room.

"Ever since I was little, I had this.. problem."

I look at him in curiosity, as if to say "What?"

"I would murder things.. one by one, limb by limb," he says with a silvery tone. "It started with ants.. then spiders.. and then eventually the neighborhood pets."

I stared at him. "Why did you do it?"

He lowers his head, wearing a guilty face. "I'm a perfectionist.. I felt as if the world I lived in had to be absolutely ideal."

"How was that ideal to you..?"

He shook his head. "That has a longer story. But I'll tell you... I broke my leg back when I was a dancer."

I exhale. "So?"

"If something happened to me, I felt as if it had to happen to everything else." He gets up. "C'mon.. I'll take you home, just promise me you won't tell a soul of what happened."

There was no way I would agree to that, no psychopath deserved such...compassion. He helps me up, and as we walk out the door, I murmur, "Okay.." My fingers were crossed.

I hope they'll leave me alone. I hope they all do.

AN: Extra long chapter today ;-) I hope you're still enjoying this. Thank you for 4K reads! It means a lot!

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