Namjoon's End!

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My untrustworthy hero, Namjoon.


I fucking love you.

Why do you love me?

Because. I think of you.




Smart boy. What a shame that your relationship was rushed.

"Namjoon, you don't have to get jealous every time I talk to another guy. You know you're the only one for me."

"Yeah, I just can't stand somebody else looking at you if that somebody isn't me."

"Hahaha.. is it okay if I invited them too? They're your friends, after all."

"Yeah, just don't let me see you with them, or I'll get jealous then. I always keep a spare blade in my back pockets."

"Oh no you don't! This is our wedding, not someone else's funeral."

"Sorry..." he pauses. "Jisu, you're stunning tonight. Ahh," he turns away and blushes. "I'm such a lucky man. Is this is a dream? I hope not."

"Aww.. Namjoon, look who's here!" I point.

Six men head our direction, all properly dressed for this event. "Congrats, guys!"

Seokjin comes up and whispers something in my ear. "I admit, I'm jealous I'm not the guy in your place. Haha just kidding." A small "no homo, dudes" escapes his lips.

Jimin and Hoseok hand over a giant stuffed teddy bear, and went back to their limo to grab a matching one, but in white. "I promise these ones don't have cameras in their eyes this time."

Taehyung hands me a bouquet of roses, but Namjoon angrily yanks them out of my grip and stomps on them, leaving a trail of red petals on the floor. I was a bit pissed, but I let it go.

Jungkook comes toward us and presents us a collection of sex toys-

Um.. well, we'll actually just skip him.

Lastly, Yoongi and Hyuna came up to us, holding hands. They had gotten back together as soon as Hyuna was released from the hospital.

"Namjoon," Hyuna says. "Thank you, again. I owe you my life."

Namjoon smiles at her. "You already gave it to me."

"W-what do you mean?" Hyuna and I ask in unison, Yoongi with a stunned impression.

"You handed over your best friend to me."

She gets a sigh of relief, and quickly spouts "Well, in all honesty.. haha.." she trails off. "I was the one who took Jisu's virginity, so technically she's still mine."

Namjoon almost bolted at her when he heard this, but I clutched his wrist and whispered, "It's true, but don't get mad at her for that. That was years ago."

"You look beautiful in white, Jisu."

"Thanks, guys. I really appreciate that you guys came."

"Why wouldn't we?"

Moments passed and became a blur. I was now walking down the aisle, all eyes on me. I head up to the front where my groom stood.

He was handsome, but his mind was corrupt as far as I knew. The priest recited some words which all became a blur. We said some of our own, and then it was time.

"You may now kiss the bride."

A warm feeling evaded my lips, and I latched onto the moment.

I know it's my wedding but... why don't I feel happy? Was it too rushed?

The End

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