Chapter 13

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Ethan's P.O.V

I knocked on the door to Andrews house. And then I heard a squeal, it's sh-, "HELLO" yep. She greeted me in to where I saw a slightly ginger guy and a girl. They introduced themselves, Y/N and Scott cool names. The whole rest of the day we joked and stuff and it was super fun. Before meeting me Y/N have actually seen a few of my videos which was great. "You're just how you are in your videos, super nice, so hyper, and funny!" "Thanks, I don't like to put on a fake persona or anything just for the camera I want to be real." I said in a silly voice at the end. Her and Will where kinda close and so where Graser and Shelby, I'm guessing their couples, it's none of my business to ask but that's cool, I'm happy for them! "We've got a little Jeffree here as you can see with a long NECK and a big HEAD" I was talking about Parker and he got up and went to go eat the house plant. "Here we are a while BECKY eating their pray" "RON" "BECKY" "BEN" "BEN" said Parker "WHY YOU NO LIKE RON ANYMORE" "I LIKE BEN MORE HIS TAIL IS BIGGER" everyone just stared at us. Then Parker threw a blue pen at me and everyone started cracking up. "This is the kinda stuff you can't right" said Scott "To be honest I had no clue where that was going" I said. After a while I decide it was time to leave, it was getting dark out anyways.

After Ethan left D: rip..

"So Will are you excited to go back home?" "Not really I like being here with everyone." "So do I but you need to go home soon or you'll get kicked out of the country which isn't good, you could never come back and getting your visa could take so long." "I know but it's just the U.S has so much more to offer then just plain old boring Europe I feel like." "Well maybe in the future we can try to get you a visa but for now you only have a few days in the country per time. Our flight is tomorrow at 5pm so we still have a while to be here but we also don't, just I don't wanna leave everyone either but it is what it is." "I understand I just wish we could all be together forever, because seeing everyone is just amazing every time it's great I mean we all talk on team speak and stuff like everyday but seeing everyone face to face is another thing." "I understand that babe but there's nothing we can do for the time being and we already have a house in Europe so we can't do much now." "I know, I just home one day we can live over here" "we will, we will. I promise."

For the rest of the night you guys just watched a movie and didn't talk much, same sleeping spots which was again great.

The next day...

We leave at five. It's been great, it's one. I've enjoyed my stay and I'm not bashful to come back, it was super fun and I'd absolutely love to do it again. We went to the park together, all of us, and just talked. We laughed, we cried, only because the jokes where that funny, maybe, haha, anyways it was a great last day, it was sad to leave but it was a great experience there's always next time. We got dropped off. The others flight was the next day so they had another day. Me and Will sat next to each other on the flight. I slept most of the time so I didn't remember much. We took an Uber home from the airport, got home, changed and bed, everything was normal, it went back to normal. It was fun while it lasted, at least we will still speak like literally everyday on team speak, haha, but me and Will, will continue to have our own adventures. Well I guess that's it.

A/N: And cut. This was my first fanfic I've ever written and the first one I've ever ended. I hope you all enjoyed my terrible writing haha. <3

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