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Rage. That's what Keana Issartel felt as her eyes scanned the letter that her boyfriend's owl had delivered to her. She couldn't believe that after 3 years together, he was dumping her via letter the day 6th year was to start. She was supposed to meet him at Diagon Alley in four hours for Merlin's sake!

"Ke," Lauren's gentle voice infiltrated Keana's ears and she moved her watering eyes away from the parchment and looked at her best friend. "What's wrong? What'd James say?"

Then, Keana remembered why she was angry and she balled up the parchment and threw it across her room, causing it to hit the Gryffindor banner hanging on her wall. "He dumped me! He's saying some shit about needing to focus on school and Quidditch and 'finding himself'! What kind of bullshit is that!"

Green eyes widened and Lauren's jaw even dropped a bit as she took in Keana's words. "Wait what...?"

With a huff of frustration, Keana pointed towards the wadded up piece of paper that was on the other side of the room and Lauren moved away from the Gryffindor's desk and went to pick it up.

Dear Keana,

I know this isn't the best timing but I just needed to tell you this, and I didn't want to tell you in person because I don't think I'd be able to get it out, you know I've always been a bit of a coward when it comes to you.

I love you so much Keana, but I need to let you go. I need to take this year for myself, to find who I really am. My self-esteem and my grades have never been the best, and I could really improve on my Quidditch skills, especially if I want to be scouted by the Falmouth Falcons. I'm sorry I had to tell you like this, but I just couldn't bare saying this to your face and not crying myself.

And Camila won't stop telling me about how I'm making a mistake since you're the 'best thing that's ever happened to your dumb ass!' (Camila's exact words). Please forgive me.

I'm so sorry Love, please never forget how much I adore you.

Love you always,

James Sirius Potter

"What kind of bullshit is this?" Lauren said with an angered tone, she couldn't believe that Harry Potter's own son was too much of a coward to break up with Keana to her face. She also couldn't believe that Camila Cabello was defending Keana but that was beside the point.

A sniffle slipped out of Keana but was quickly muffled. No, Keana Issartel did not cry over people, especially not over dumb boys who couldn't even break up with her to her face.

"Come on, let's go, we have school supplies we need to get."


"You're being a dumbass." The raspy voice made James roll his eyes for what must have been the tenth time in 4 minutes. He just wanted his best friend to shut up and tell him that he hadn't just made the biggest mistake of his life. But no, Camila was dead set on reminding him that he'd just fucked up his now dead relationship forever.

It was also odd because Camila had never seemed to be a big fan of his and Keana's relationship. He knew it wasn't jealousy since Camila was the gayest gay there could ever be, but maybe she was just protective of him. They had been friends since they were 8 and James' father introduced him to Camila, saying that she was the daughter of one of his new co-workers. The two of them had been thick as thieves ever since.

James scowled at his best friend through the reflection of Flourish and Blotts. He was so going to jinx her the moment he got his wand repaired. Camila was smirking at him through the reflection, the satisfied look on her face making him want to make her puke slugs. "Guess who I just saw," Camila said to him in a singsong voice.

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