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Assalamualaikum readers, hope you enjoyed meeting The Shakors, I wanna make this interesting by sharing a Quran verse or Hadith with u guy, hope it add positively to all of u. Now enjoy, Salam 💗💋.

            VERSE OF THE DAY

     Chp2: Macentra meet The Shakors!

Daria's POV

The morning sun hasn't stopped giving it rays in abundance making it kinda hard to drive but Alihamdulila we made to MACENTRA HIGH. Dee doesn't seem to have the scary feeling in your stomach on first day rather she is glowing with total excitement .
  After safely securing a spot for my self I muttered Bismillah under my breath and out we went in the world of Macentra, The hallway was filled with many students whose eyes immediately turned to us the minute we stepped in which got me wondering if it was Deenah's beautifully shinny dazzle eyes that gat everyone staring and no doubt they are beautiful (one other thing apart from the slightly heavy hips and beautiful fair skin that she gat from mum that I am jealous of) or do they just give that look to every newb  around here. I looked round for the admin and was obvious, stepping in a saw a pretty young lady and considering her age and pretty features I assumed she is the secretary (a well dressed one at that), she is  in a nicely fitted  below the knee red dress that gives away her hot long legs en nice body, it was a sleeve less dress which shows her slim milk Skinned arms, I knew she had to be gorgeous even without seeing her face
"Hummm, Good morning"I greeted "we would like to see the principal"
  When she turned she looked way better than I had imagined, with her oval shaped head that had the most perfect pair of sea blue eyes and her heart shaped lips that were perfected with the blood red lipstick she was wearing and not missing the small pretty nose she has,she looks like a doll (but a hot one)
"U are talking to her"she responded which gat me asking myself (ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!)
"Haaaaaa"Deenah said being obvious much which made me pinch her to bring her back before she says something stupid.
"Nicce to meet you miss sorry mmrs"my sister stammered while trying to regain herself
"It ok, it a miss Snow but call me Claire  and you must be the shakors, being expecting you"she said with an excited ring in her voice"here are your schedules, if you need anything, anything at all you can call at my office anytime", I nodded in response.
Stepping out Dee and I gave each other the "WOW!"look and before we could say a word a group of students consisting of two boys and three girls one of them who I noticed was an hijabi, they walked up to us with the most pleasant looks on their faces
"Hi, you must be the shakors, we are the welcoming team and we came to give you  the official Macentra welcome. Sorry it couldn't be earlier we wanted do the honors and hand you your schedules and all that"an olive skinned guy introduced.
"Hey, you can totally still do that"Deenah said while throwing the schedules at him so he can handle them to us
I rolled my eyes
"I am Robert by the way but u can pls call me Rob"he introduced
"Hummm, Robertson,U can call me Deenah"she replied while calling his full name to tease him knowing that he probably  doesn't like being called that
Rob gave a light smile"Welcome to Macentra"
"And I am Daria,nice to meet u guys", just then a fair guy with smooth rosy cheeks stepped forward and greeted while stretching his hand for a shake"Salamualekun"
"Walekumsalam"I responded while declining his request for an handshake"sorry , I don't shake"
"Oh, my bad I totally forgot my manners. The environment if you know what I mean"he apologized almost immediately
"No, I am totally cool, no offense pls"
"Of course,none taken and I am Ismail ,Ismail Omar"he introduced saying his name fully"we are in the same grade"
The other three girls stepped forward to introduce themselves
"I am Hannah"a pretty blonde girl said
"Susan James"a girl with incredibly sharp dark eyes introduced with a firm shake to go with it (guessing she is a Scorpio)
"Salamualekun,I am Laila, welcome pls feel comfy ,u need anything u can  hit us up"
"Here are your schedules"Rod handed them like Deenah wanted "it seems Deenah and I are in the same grade."
"Looking forward to  that, Robertson"and now everyone laughed, making Rob blush a little
"What class your gat Ria, I have chemistry, whose our Chem teacher "Deenah questioned too many people at once
"It's Miss Sunders and trust me u are going to love her get ready to meet hottest teacher in Macentra"Rob said being all dramatic
"Shut up, Robertson"Hannah put in quickly
"Wait u mean hotter than the principal,wow u gat to be kidding"Dee said totally amazed
"Well, let say there is some controversy over that but she is totally cool, u will love her"Hannah encouraged with thumps up
"Kay, I have Biology and I don't wanna be late"I announced
"Gat the same too,I walk you to class ,I mean it's a pretty big school"Ismail offered, I nodded in response
"Ok, Robby I am going with you, bye Ria, Barikalhafi sis"
"Barikalhafi to you too."
Macentra is pretty big and we had to climb to a third floor to get to Biology class for sophmores and the class hasn't started Alihamdulila and then he stepped in my Biology teacher Mr Grover which Ismail told me
"Good morning, class and today's topic is the from ur assignment Human hormones which u should all be familiar with considering that u are all hormonal teenagers"the class laughed getting his joke"before I forget we have a new student, Miss shakor"he called out making me shake a little and slowly I stood up to be the only one doing that in the class
"Would you like to go introduced yourself we are all curious at least I am"he tried to ease me up
"Miss Daria Shakor"

"Pls, could tell the meaning of your name it not a biolgical term soooo pls"

"Daria means well learned while Shakor mean appreciative"

"Well, Miss Daria I hope u are appreciative at the end of this well learned class"

This perfect combination made everyone laugh and totally help me ease up.

Biology class was better than I had expected and now I am in the locker room trying to set my lockers' combination which is obviously my dad's birthday
"1-9"I muttered when I heard a deep male voice say"u coming to the party right"
"Sure, just after practice by  7"another responded
I didn't bother looking cause Laila calling my name gat my attention
"Hey, gal there u are"she teased sweety
Before I could respond that deep voice came again
"Hey, Lai looking good"he said while leaning in locker
"Heeeelo, Josh"Lia replied while rolling her eyes
"See ya in chem"he said while walking away and winking just then the owner of the other voice caught my attention but but didn't bother looking my way as he walked away which was comfortable
I gave Lia the "who is that look"
"That was Josh King, my stupid chem lad patner"she said with a tone of fustration
"Oh" I said while fumbling with my locker
"And the other guy is one of the Muslims we pray for"she added which actually caught my attention
"Really"I said curiously
"Yes, He is Ajmal Sami,he is a rich obviously cute  Arabian kid but he act nothing like an Arabian and he is actually one of the most popular kids ,star footballer and basketballer for the school and he is super smart but total bad boy"Lia said non stop with a little bit of disgust in her voice
"Ajmal huh"was l muttered to my self


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