Chapter 2

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   "Evie!" Queen called. She moved over to her mother, as did Carlos to his. Jay was handing everything he stole to Jafar, while I turned to Mom.

   "Listen to me, Maddison," Mom said, "You will get the wand at ALL costs. Am I right?"

   I nodded without a second thought, looking at my combat boots.

   "I know Auradon better than pretty much everyone here. It's tempting to stay. Despite the pink, heroes, and brightness, it's everyone's dream. Good food, comfortable beds, and no barriers. I'm giving you your first and final warning; If you so much as consider not getting the wand, I will find out. And when I do, you will be punished. Am I clear?"

   I nodded.

   "I said, am I clear?!"

   "Yes, Mom," I mumbled. "Good."

   "They will be here any minute. In other words, get out," Maleficent said.

   "Hold on a moment," Cruella interrupted. "Carlos isn't going! I'd miss him too much! Plus, who would rub my feet?" She asked, pinching Carlos' cheek. Carlos' ears turned red, and moved away.

   "Mm, neither is Jay. He needs to stock my shelves!" Jafar said as he was handed a lamp. He quickly started rubbing it, until Jay stopped him. "No, Pops... I already tried." Jafar grumbled and tossed it back in Jay's arms. "Useless."

   "Evie isn't either! We have to take care of that unibrow first!" Queen said. Evie touched her forehead self-consciously, feeling for this unibrow E.Q. was talking about.

   Mom didn't say anything.

   "What is WRONG with you all?! For twenty years, I have searched for a way off this island! For twenty years, we have been robbed of our revenge!

   "Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men!"


   "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated Genie!"

   "I will --!" Jafar raised a pan Jay stole, and Jay held him back. "Pops, no!"

   "Revenge on all the Dalmatians that escaped your grasp!"

   "Oh, but they didn't get Baby! They didn't... THEY DIDN'T GET THE BABBYYYY! HAHAHA!"

   Mom backed up. I don't blame her.

   "Revenge on Athena for making you a monster, revenge on Poseidon for leaving you like the coward he is, revenge on every single person who escaped your gaze and cut off your head!"

   Wow, targeting Mom, much? Rude.

   "Why in the name of Hades are you bringing me into this?!" Mom demanded. "I know what I did wrong, and I will get my revenge!"

  "Mom!" I said. Her snakes were acting up. "Right," She said, adjusting her veil that kept her from turning people to stone. (We both have no idea why my eyes aren't always on like her's, or why I don't have snakes for hair. Maybe because she was pregnant before Athena cursed her?)

   Maleficent ignored her, of course, and continued. "And I, Maleficent, the most evil of them all --"

   "Excuse me?" Mom interrupted. She meant Gaea, of course. Frickin' Mother Earth was one evil grandma.

   Maleficent rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine. Second most evil, happy?"


   "I, Maleficent," She started her mini speech again, "SECOND most evil of them all, will get revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little prince... Villains?"

   "What." Mom asked.

   "Hmm?" Queen looked up from trying to pluck the imaginary unibrow from Evie's forehead.

   "Yeah?" Jafar asked.

   "Yes?" Cruella said.

   "Our time has come. Queen, give her the magic mirror."

   "Oh! Yes, right." Queen replied and got out a mini mirror. We all stared at it with a raised eyebrow.

   "This... THIS is your magic mirror?" Evie asked, taking it.

   "Yeah, well it ain't what it used to be.... then again, neither are we." Our parents laughed at that. "It will help you find things," Queen added.

   "Like a prince?" Good gods, Evie.

   "Like my waistline," Queen said.

   "Like the wand, you idiots!" Maleficent said. Sighing, she added, "My spell book. I need my book."

   Mom pointed to the fridge.

   "Oh! Yes, the safe! Queen, help me! I can never figure this out."

   Rolling her eyes, Queen opened the fridge, mumbling, "Viola."

   "Oh, my spell book! Come, darling, come," As soon as Maleficent touched the book, she almost dropped it. It landed in Mal's hands though. "It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon! Remember when we were spreading evil and ruining lives?"

   "Like it was yesterday," Jafar said.

   "Now you'll be making your own memories! By doing exactly what I tell you."

   There was a horn honking, so we grabbed our stuff and got in the car. Jay, Carlos, and I were sitting next to each other, and all at once we lunged for the candy. I grabbed some spiky lollipop thing and plopped in in my mouth.

   "Oh my Hades, this is delicious!" I said, grabbing about five or six more. Jay and Carlos both grabbed one, clearly curious. "Okay," Carlos said. "Whoever made these are GENIUS!"

   Jay and I nodded in agreement, getting more candy to try. Mal rolled her eyes at us, I sent her a smug smirk as I handed her a purple rock lollipop thing. "Try it, child."

"I'm older than you, you know."

"Just try it."

"Why?" She groaned.

"Because I know you'll like it. Now try it."

"If it'll make you shut up," She said. I nodded. "Fine." She put it in her mouth, and her eyes widened slightly. I smirked.

"Shut up."

"I didn't say anything."

"You thought it."

"...yes I did."

   Mal rolled her eyes, and crossed her ankles, looking out the window. Carlos, Jay, and I were still trying candy and stuff.

   Suddenly, Mal yelled out, "It's a trap!"

   We all snapped our heads towards her, and I saw that we were driving straight for the ocean. My eyes widened, and everyone screamed and huddled together. "Close your eyes!" I demanded, willing my eyes to turn into the dark purple, prepared to turn the driver into stone. I began fiddling with the window, trying to open it. I finally did, and I realized that we weren't falling into the ocean.

   Their screams died down, and they glanced curiously out the window. I did the same after hiding my eyes behind the gold veil mom gave me and saw there was a golden, sparkly bridge forming underneath us.

   "It must be magic," Evie noted, her brown eyes watching the bridge as it began dissolving.

   Mal turned to the guy and tapped on the window cover thing. "Hey, that button. Did that open the barrier?"

   "No. That's for my garage. This one's for the barrier, and this..." He pushed a button, and the slide window cover closed once more.

   "Nasty," Mal laughed, "that guy's cool."

   We all stared at the window uneasily. This is just great...

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