Chapter 3

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   After what felt like hours, we pulled up in front of the school. My nerves had calmed down by them, therefore so had my eyes. There was a marching band in yellow and blue uniforms, playing what I'm guessing is their school song. There were some band kids holding up a banner that said: Welcome to Auradon Prep! and some color guard members were doing a routine in the background.

   Mal, Evie, and I got out, followed by Jay and Carlos falling out of the car, wrestling for some blanket. They were yelling at each other, about who gets to keep what. The band and color guard stopped preforming, and they stared at us.

   A peppy woman and a teen boy with a girl dressed in pink on his arm walked up to us with smiles.

   I kicked Jay in the ribs (not enough to hurt him, sadly) while Mal hissed at them, "We have an audience!" Jay pulled Carlos up and flashed the people a smile. "Just... cleaning up!"

   "Leave it like you found it," The older woman said in a sing-song voice said. "And by that, just leave it."

   Jay huffed and threw the blanket back into the car begrudgingly and I closed the door.

   "Oh... hello, foxy," Jay winked at the poor girl in the pink dress. "The names Jay."

   The girl laughed nervously and immediately put her arm on the boy's bicep, probably to signify that she's in a relationship with him.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep," The boy smiled. I sized him up, as mostly likely Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie did. He doesn't seem too tough. I could strike at the moment he least expects it easily. He seems like a trusting guy... one of us can use that to our advantage. "I'm Ben," He started, before he was interrupted.

   "Prince Benjamin, soon to be king," The girl said.

   "You had me at prince," Evie said, stepping forward. "I'm Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen. So that technically makes me a princess."

   "The Evil Queen has no royal status here. Neither do you," The girl said, smiling sweetly. All of us glared at her, but she didn't seem to notice. Or didn't care, either one.

   Ben cleared his throat awkwardly. "This is my girlfriend, Audrey."

"Princess Audrey," Audrey emphasized. Okay, I REALLY don't like this girl.

"It's so good to meet you -- mmph," Ben flinched as he held out his hand for a handshake for Jay, but instead got a fist go the chest. "To meet you all," he finished, before moving to Carlos. Then Evie, then me. He paused. "...I'm sorry, but you look really familiar," He mumbled before moving on. I raised an eyebrow, but don't think much of it.

   "This is a momentous occasion, at which our two people begin to heal," Ben finished as he shook Mal's hand.

"Or you can show five people where the bathrooms are," Mal suggested.

"A little over the top?"

"A little more than a little."

    Ben laughed. "Well, so much for my first impression." He stared at her for a good ten seconds before he stepped back to the elderly woman and Audrey.

Then the woman started talking. Holy Hephaestus, do these people ever stop talking?!

"Welcome to Auradon, everyone," She smiled, "I'm the headmistress of this school. You may know me as the fairy godmother."

"As in bibbidy bobiddy boo?" Mal asked, mimicking waving a wand.

"You know it," Fairy GM smiled. "Audrey and Ben here will give you a tour, and that's about it. Oh, I have a thing about curfews, so please try to be in your dorms by eight." She smiled at us once again and walked back inside the school, gesturing for the band kids to follow her.

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