Brotherly love

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Brotherly love

Birthdays are special

September 9th 2016

“Okay take off the blindfold” said Mrs. Bruca trying to contain her excitement. Shin ripped off his blindfold to find a pale boy with short black hair, black button shirt and black clothes, black emotionless eyes, and a notebook he said hello but it was barely audible. “Happy birthday” Mr. and Mrs. Bruca shouted. “Who is this?” Shin asked. “Your new brother” Mrs. Bruca answered.

“My new what” Shin smiled clenching his teeth holding in a scream. “I know you're not exactly thrilled about this, but give it a chance” Mr. Bruca said putting his hand on Shin shoulder. “This is a lot to take in” Shin said. “You remember when you said you wanted a brother” Mr. Bruca reminded his confused and a little frustrated son. “When I was like ten! A sibling is the last thing on a thirteen year old wish list.” Shin said. “Like it or not he's apart of our family now” Mr. Bruca said.

Shin decided to accept it, he knew his parents couldn't have a second child so he knew this meant a lot to them. Shin walked over to the pale boy and just stared at him, and let out a sigh. “What's your name?” Shin asked. “Schuyler” he answered in a quiet voice. “I think Sai suits you better” Shin smiled. “Why?” Sai asked. “Don't analyze it” Shin said. Since he was an amazing people reader with one look at him he could tell Shin was a good person. Shin has Blue hair, dark eyes tan skin, and arched eyebrows.

He may act obnoxious, but he is extremely kind, but it takes a while to earn his trust. “Are you sick?” Sai asked. “Why would you think that?” Shin asked. “Your skin looks like orange peel and your hair is gray” Sai answered he doesn't have much of a filter. “ first It's called a tan, second not everyone looks like a malnourished vampire, and third of all it's blue” Shin said. “Sorry” Sai apologized. “It's fine, you're seven?” Shin asked. “I'm eleven years old” he answered biting his nail. “Don’t beat yourself up about it” Shin smiled. “How would you like to meet Gavin and Michael while we talk to the other parents” Mrs. Bruca Smiled. “ Of course ma’am” Sai said politely. Shin’s eyes widened, his friends are overly affectionate and would treat him like a rare gem and Sai might like them more. He walked over his friends looking concerned.

“Hi I'm Gavin” he introduced himself. Gavin is like he was like a lovable and unforgettable character from your favorite book. which can explain why people like him so much. He's had people lining up to be his friend, but he's happy with only three.

Gavin is slightly shorter than Shin he had a arched eyebrows dark skin, dark eyes, dark curly hair like his mom. Which was a hair stylist/ makeup artist. “I was an orphan once” Gavin kneeled down to Schuyler’s level. “We should have a once former orphan club” Schuyler smiled. “That would awesome!” Gavin smiled back. “Is that an Australian accent” Schuyler asked. “I wish it was Australian, it's British”

“Hey let me talk to him” Michael stepped in front of Gavin. “Hey” Sai said looking at the dark eyes brown haired, bushy eyebrows boy with freckles and a Texan accent standing at 5’6  both of his parents are six feet tall so it makes sense. He also had a tan like Shin. “Want a hug?” Michael asked.”Sure!” Schuyler smiled. Michael is a rebel with a heart of gold. He will help you out of a jam, if he enlist you in a scheme he will take the fall, just being around him boost your spirit, and even though he joke and fool around a lot he can be serious in an important situation like if you need to vent about your problems, or need a shoulder to cry on.

“Your really nice” Sai said. “Ha!” Shin laughed” Like I always say always, be nice or at least be polite” he stared at Gavin. “Why are you looking at me?” He asked looking confused. “Your as polite as an grumpy elderly woman” Michael snickered. Gavin thumped Michael on the side of his face. “Are you two my brothers?” Sai asked. “Unfortunately not” Gavin said. “You guys are so nice and I think Shin hates me” Sai said looking down at his feet. Shin felt like he was punched in the chest he didn't hate him he just was a little overwhelmed. “I don't hate you I was just hoping for a dirt bike” Shin said. Sai held his arms out for a hug Shin couldn't say no he looked so adorable. “Shin we have to go, I will Skype you” said Michael. “Gavin put my brother down” Shin commanded. “Fine” Gavin pouted.

November 24th 2017

After a very long time in kid time Shin and Sai became inseparable it was rare to see them apart. “Hey kiddo you given any thought about that art summer camp” Shin said eagerly. “I don’t think I'd get in” Sai said. He really didn't want to go two months without seeing Shin, but he's too embarrassed to tell him “You’re joking right you’re like Lee krasner reincarnation Herself” he praised him. “one look at one of your notebooks they'll try to put it in a gallery” Shin smiled. “I'll think about” Sai replied knowing full well he wouldn't. “Please think about it?” Shin beseeched. “I'll think about it geez” Sai laughed.

“You know what tomorrow is?” Shin asked. “My birthday Sai smiled. “Exactly we're going to have a party in the park we're going dress as superheroes, don't get me started on the cake there's going to be cake, and we're going to sing our brains out” Shin rejoiced. The doorbell rang Shin raced to the door Sai followed him without knowing what was going on. Shin picked up a red envelope in a pile of junk mail “Oh geez it's red” Shin panicked.

Shin took a deep breath and started to read an the letter inside the envelope “I got into Shine! Shin shouted. Sai thought he put the pieces together “Oh that's why you wanted me join that that art camp because, it's right next to Camp Shine” he smiled. “I got into Shine I can't believe it boarding school not the camp”he said quietly. “When did this happened?” Sai asked. Sai looked like If heartbreak had face. “My friends and I been wanting to go to Shine since second grade I didn't want to tell you until I knew if I was going to get accepted or not” his voice lowered. For a moment there was silence gut wretching silence Sai suddenly laughed. “Well I'm happy for you”Sai smiled. “Wow you changed your mood quick” Shin smiled in relief. “If this what you want then I think it's wonderful you should celebrate with your friends” Sai said. “your an awesome little brother” Shin ruffled Sai’s hair. “Can’t wait till your B-day” Shin said walking up stairs.

November 25th 2017

After a long day of planning for the future while eating brownies decided to spend the night at Gavin's house. Shin was woken by that creepy hide and seek song he use to scare Sai with. He looked next to him and to find his friends brutally murdered a lifetime of therapy would never fix.

The last thing he wanted was to see was his little brother covered in blood holding a knife. “Please tell me you didn't do this” Shin cried. “Cheer up big boys don't cry, Shin” Sai said. “What did you do!” Shin Yelled. “Hush people are trying to sleep” Sai whispered. Shin continued to cry over his friends. “I hate seeing you sad” Sai said He walked over to Michael and touched his chest it started to glow extremely bright soon Michael was awake with no stab wounds no blood he looked as good as new. Sai stabbed him in the chest.

“Wh-what are you” Shin said not being able to cry anymore. “Don't worry about what I am just know I can bring them back as long as you don't go to that boarding” Sai smiled. “Okay” Shin said as a tear streamed down his face he couldn't believe his little brother would do something like this. Sai hugged Shin tight and said “This is the best birthday ever”.

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