4. Usopp x Reader

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As the situation got more tense for every second you wished that this day never happened. 200.000.000 beri was stolen from the crew or more exact from Usopp as he was the one caring them. Usopp got kidnapped and beaten up badly by the franky family and now this, your captain and your closes friend and crush have this argue.

"HAVE YOU ALL LOST YOUR MINDS? some big shot shipwrights just fed you a story, and you believe them!"

"The crew I knew would believe in Merry's strength!"

He walk up to Luffy grab him by his west.

"BUT here you are acting like you know everything and ignore your friends! I can't believe that the captain you turned out to be! I thought you where better then that!"

By now you started to cry and hold you hands for your mouth.

"Usopp you not being fair..."   "STAY OUT OF THIS.." Luffy interrupted Nami.

"We are getting us a new ship whatever you like it or not. This is the end of the road for Merry!"

"I AM NOT LEAVING HER HERE!! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! I know you always try to think of the future but not everyone on the crew is like that! I see Merry as one of our friends and I won't abandon her when she is hurt!" 

"Don't be stupid..even if she is a friend it doesn't mean she is a person!" Luffy pushed of Usopp.

"She is to me, and she still have the strength to live! BUT you would't appreciate that..because all you care about is to get a new ship..."

"Alright it's enough both of you!" Sanji tries to break the heated argument. Luffy got enrage by every comment Usopp throw at him.



"If that was true you would't be looking for a new ship!"

"ALRIGHT FINE! IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE WAY YOUR CAPTAIN DOES THINGS! THEN WHY DON'T YOU GO AHEAD GE..." Sanji Kicked Luffy straight to the wall before he could say his hole sentence.

The anxiety inside you became unbearable. Your heart felt like it was being squeezed really hard.  Unable to keep watching you ran with sorrow out to get away from the situation.

"(Y/N)!!!" Nami tried to call after you but you where gone before she could reach you.

*~~~~**~~~~**~~~~**~~~~**~~~~* Short time skip  *~~~~**~~~~**~~~~**~~~~**~~~~*

A few hours you have been wonder around Water 7 to calm yourself. You where right now on your way back to Merry not to make the others to worried. Hope that Luffy and Usopp had calm down and talk more properly about what to do with Merry. An explosion was seen in the distance. 'Oh NO...' you fought as you rushed as fast you could to the shore your ship where.

Horror filled you as you watched the scene before you.  Luffy and Usopp is one bring to death. Both was badly injured as they keep sending blows. Usopp was now standing on one of his knees breathing heavy. Luffy took the opportunity to land the final blow. His one arm sending backwards. 

Fear of Luffy might kill Usopp you ran towards the injured man position yourself before Usopp standing protectively. "(Y/n) get the hell out of the way!" Luffy yelled his fist sending now forward. "(Y/n) please step aside while it's still time" Usopp whisper yelled, not wanting you to get hurt.  "I rater die then see one I love get killed" you whisperer loud enough to Usopp to hear.

Everything silence for what felt like an lifetime for you. The pain you gain in your stomach made you wanna scream in agony. You looked down to see Luffys fist still pressed against your pained area, blood  dropped on his hand from your mouth. Returning his arm Luffy run towards you in horror, rest of the crew watching in disbelieve. You heard Usopps breath was very unsteady and shaky before you feel unconscious. 

Few hours later you woke up in a hotel with everyone...except Usopp it did't took you long to discover that and started question the crew. Zoro told all about Usopp quit the crew and challenge Luffy to a duel and after you where knock out they left Usopp with Merry. Heartbroken you run to you room and sob rest of the night. 

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