The heartbreak

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(Y/n's) POV
After that nightmare, which was two years ago, I push aside the fact love could fade... until now, just five minutes ago, he left me, he stopped loving me... that happens... See, there are so many stories out there with happy endings, but the sad truth is love doesn't always last. I understand his heart no longer beater faster for me, I can move on, it's life's way.... love isn't always great, with great things, bad thing follow sometimes... it's normal... it was about time, reality was throw. Into the story...

Narrator's pov
(Y/n) frowns, looking at the ground, she understood, and her heart was shattered. She was a strong girl, she can love the memories, he just wants the best for her, even if he wasn't the best for her.....

wHoAh ReAlItY
But really, there are way to fucking many happy endings, life isn't perfect.... I wanted to add realism into here just for
The sake of people not expecting happy endings all the
Time, I understand if you get upset, but this is how the book will go.... I may write one with a happy ending, but for now....... I'll let people yell at me.

icy love (Shikamaru x reader) (DONE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu