Chapter One

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It was a dark and windy night the five ninja were all in bed in a deep sleep all but one ninja...

Kai's POV
Man, Why can't I sleep?! I'll just get a snack, maybe that'll help. I got out of bed tried to tip toe until the floor made a creek. Cole woke up, he sighed. "Kai? Where are you going? It's 3:50 in the morning." Cole explained, I rolled my eyes.

"Just going to go get a snack, you got a problem?" I whispered/yelled. Cole frowned, "No, I was just asking that's all! Don't get mad!" Cole said, I scoffed. "Whatever Cole! Just go back to sleep jeez!" I told Cole, he groaned.

"Fine! Don't wat too much food, night Squidward." Cole said, I frowned. "Shut up Plankton! I'm gonna go away now!" I said, I walked away.

As Cole fell back asleep Kai left the room and went to go and eat. He opened the fridge and got 10 snack packs. When he was done he went to go train with the new ninja robots Jay and Nya made. Kai was dodging the kicks and the Punch's, Kai was doing really well. Until the robot grabbed Kai's arm and punched Kai's stomach.

Kai's POV
Ow! I just ate as well, my stomach hurts! I better go tell Ny- what am I saying!? I'm Kai Smith, I'm not little anymore! I'm Nya's big brother , I don't want her to see me like this I can take care of myself now! I stared at the robot, it was laughing at me. "Weak..." It whispered, "so weak."

"SHUT UP! I'M NOT WEAK! YOU ARE, I HOPE YOU LIKE A KNUCKLE SANDWICH!" I yelled, the robot got scared. "Wait what?! No I take it back!" He yelled, I punched him.

As Kai punch the robot's face Kai's hand was bleeding he cut himself when he punched the robot in the face. The robot was on the floor with a flat face now, his head was shooting tiny little sparks. Kai tried to calm down with his hot mad temper. Once he did he notice that there was a medium size puddle it was his blood he saw his hand cut so he went back inside. Kai was looking for the first aid kit that Nya got then if they get hurt like how Kai is right now.

Kai's POV
Where is the first aid kit? Oh wait... I forgot Jay told us that it'll be in the bathroom under the sink.


I heard a creek, who the hell?...
"Hello? Is somebody there? Cole is that you?" I asked, I waited. "Hello Kai, good to see you again. It's been years." A voice said, I looked around. 

I saw a dark shadow, I panicked. "HEL-MMMM!" I couldn't talk, the figure covered my mouth. "Your friends can't save you, your parents can't save you now since you know their dead!" Said the voice, I couldn't breath... I fainted...

(The next morning...)

Wu's POV
"WAKE UP MY STUDENTS!!!" I yelled, using the gong. All the ninja groaned, Jay yelled. "Do we have to?" Jay asked, I nodded. Everyone got up, except Cole. He was still asleep, he had ear buds on, music was on.

I gently shook his shoulder. "Come on Cole, wake up my child." I said, Cole opened a eye. "Do I have to?" Cole asked, I nodded. Cole sighed, but got up.

"Where's Kai?" I asked, everyone froze. "He went to go get a snack last night, that's all I know." Cole said, I nodded, we heard a scream downstairs. We all ran, it was Nya.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked, Nya pointed at the puddle... Blood... "Where's Kai? Ninja, find him now." I ordered, they nodded and left. I went to go find him as well.

We looked everywhere, until Nya came with a note, she had tears on her face. Cole hugged her as she cried. I took the paper, and read it.

If you ever wanna see your "precious  student" then come and find me. I'm finally having my revenge Nya. Little Kai isn't so small anymore, it's ok if I kill him. See ya Nya.

~Uncle Bob.

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