Chapter 13

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Tamina walked in the courtyard in the Persian palace, only the moonlight lighting her way with few guards in a distance keeping watch over her.

"Penny for your thoughts Princess," a voice in the shadows called.

"Prince Garsiv, a surprise indeed. What would your bride say in you secretly meeting princesses on the sly," she smiled but Garsiv saw a pain in her eyes.

"We saw you from the balcony. She bid me to see to you. She likes you very much," he said.

"Me? She just met me."

"Our father has built you up to be so and you have been kind to her since your meeting her. Anyway, Tus' lot is a bit more challenging and vain. Hopefully you will be there for her more days than hoped."

Garsiv motioned Tamina to sit at the bench and he followed. He looked out unto the garden as he spoke.

"I am going to assume that it is Dastan which brought you out with your thoughts this night?"

"That obvious is it not," she said with a sad tone.

Garsiv pondered on her words. He knew what Dastan felt for her but he also knew that Dastan would not like him to share what he said in confidence with Tamina. Perhaps he could use another way.

"When we were small," he began to speak. "Few months after he came to be a part of our family, father gave Dastan this beautiful riding saddle. At that time, I still had not accepted him as my brother. I used to torture the bugger. Break things and blame him, lock him up in cupboards even beat him up," he laughed as memories flooded in. "So, anyway, he loved that saddle crazy and so did I. He saw that I did and the next day he gave it to me. This boy, who was just nine, looks at me and told me that seeing the joy of me having the saddle gives him more joy than the saddle ever could. That was the day Dastan and I became brothers," he smiled and looked at Tamina.

"That is the type of person he is princess, he will sacrifice his own just to see the happiness of the one he loves and cares for. He would always put your feelings first," Garsiv said.

"Like letting me move on my own pace even in our marriage bed," Tamina said although she did not know why he was having such a personal conversation with Garsiv. Suddenly he burst out laughing.

"You should have seen father's face when...when Dastan was explaining why the marriage wasn't consummated. Father was furious at the break of tradition and he saw it as an insult to you. And the idiot was trying to explain and father was slapping him," he laughed, "the best part was when father asked if he prefers men to women."

This time Tamina also joined in the laughter. Once it died down, Tamina returned to her sadness, "we almost em... came together last night. But Dastan was angry, disgusted... I do not know what to think. I wish I could take back the things I said... about him, about your family...all is done now- the annulment was given to me last night and he has left the palace before I woke, " she trailed off.

Garsiv had to stop himself from revealing the truth that Dastan did not go on any trip but went to trail the warlord who he feared would ambush the princess. Dastan wanted Kosh to be occupied with an advancing Persian and leave the princess the two days journey to get to Alamut safe.

"Princess Ta..."

"I think we know each other long enough for you to call me Tamina," she said.

"Tamina," Garsiv said as he took her hands in his, "I cannot make your decisions for you both but I can advise by what I see. Have you ever seen someone, royalty at that, so drawn to someone not out of lust or of the flesh? I saw you two at my own wedding staring into each other's eyes. That was not out of disdain or anger. It was longing. Tamina do you love," Garsiv stopped and smiled, "let me put it this way, are you aware that you are in love with him?"

Tamina blushed as she looked down at their hands. When she looked back up her eyes were filled with tears. "I do... I am...utterly, completely love him," she said and realising this was the first time she admitted to it, a smile appeared on her face.

"Then do not give up. Give Dastan a chance...wait for him," Garsiv almost begged. They sat in silence for a while.

"Come, let me escort you to your chambers Tamina, get some rest. I hear you will be leaving tomorrow?' Garsiv said as he took her to his hand.

"Yes, I must be on my way to my people now. Enough of the silly chase. Thank you Garsiv for your kind words. Never took you for someone who is capable of talking sense about love," Tamina touched his arm as they walked.

"I know right! Who knew I would be the wise elder brother... to a sister anyway. I was terrible to Dastan. I am the only choice you had in the first place! Tus will just try to marry you," he joked.

The next day, Tamina left for Alamut with a heavy heart but she knew that when she reach the gates of Alamut, she has to let go of her thoughts of Dastan and take care of her kingdom, no matter what Garsiv said. Dastan has made his feeling so clear to her. She looked at the scroll that held the proclamation. She has not read or opened it. She did not want to.

Dastan at that time had moved closer to the Hassansins lair but has he was riding up his mind was heavy in the thoughts of Tamina. "Dastan, we cannot go to battle with a heavy heart. Your mind is too occupied," Bis said as he rode up next to him. "I will be fine. .. I am fine," Dastan said as he turned to look at Bis, "All matters have been settled. We are now separated. I gave her the proclamation and there had...there had been no word of her rejection...or any word for that matter. It is done!"

"Some settlement you have. We are on our way to protect her city and you think you have no connection to her?" Bis asked.

"Alamut would have been safe if I did not help invade her. I am repaying a debt to her highness. That is all. What is the final word received? "

"There is confirmation that Koshkhan met the Hassansins. But we do not have any information on their conversation. Dastan, Prince Garsiv warned us not to go close. Our mission is to observe and send word back to Persia for them to deploy the army to where they are needed. This is too dangerous for us to do alone. There are only a hundred men with us. Dastan, please, what is this really about?"

"This is about protecting Alamut," Dastan answered getting annoyed but just as soon, he realised that Bis meant well.

"Bis I need to make sure that once and for all, Koch gets the idea that Alamut is forever under the protection of Persia and she is never to be harmed...and Persia too,"

"Are you talking about the city or her princess now?" Bis asked smiling which also instigated a smile from Dastan.

"Shut up and ride!"

Dastan's cavalry had a day's riding before they would reach the mountains where the warlord is positioned as informed by Garsiv's men who trailed them while Dastan was at the wedding.

In the dark of the night Dastan and Bis crawled to the edge and observed the camp from afar. "They seem to be too complaisant. The camp is set up facing the south, away from Alamut, their making merry and the intercepted message informed to head south. Too many clues to tell us that they are not heading towards Alamut. We have had no sighting of Koshkhan himself. It's too set up," Dastan observed. "Send an eagle out for Garsiv's men to be positioned along Alamut in Persian border. Send word to Asoka in Alamut to be vigilant. Ask him to get the Princess out of the city bound and gagged if he has to. I am done dancing with him. I will learn nothing of the Hassansins though them. We attack in two days when the army reaches us."

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