Longing Stares

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Every time I watch them on Ryan Seacrest. With Jade and Perrie kept looking at each other. I couldn't help but think it needs to be written as a fan fiction. Sorry if its shit. This is only my Second fan fiction. Enjoy lovelies.

We are due to go on Ryan Seacrest today. Jade and I are in the back of the van the way to the studio. Jade has her head on my shoulder. I have had a huge crush on Jade since the moment I laid eyes on her. Her sparkling Brown eyes, her long tan legs, her angelic voice and amazing personality. I'm not surprised I fell in love with her, I mean who wouldn't. We act like a couple all the time. I just wish it was real. I am not alone either. Almost the whole fandom ships us together. We are both single at the moment, but nothing will ever happen because Jade is into boys and doesn't like me that way.

"What are you thinking about Pez?" She says to me in her cute voice.

"Nothing much babe, just thinking about the interview later on today with Ryan Seacrest" I lied not wanting her to press any farther.

"You look really cute when your thinking really hard." She kissed my cheek, leaving me blushed crimson red. To Jade is was a friendly kiss, but if only she knew what it did to me.

Jesy looks back to the two of us and gave me an apologetic look. The other two girls knew how I felt about Jade. I told them one night after I couldn't keep it a secret anymore. They both said that they already knew. My not to subtle stares gave it away. I guess jade is the only one that doesn't see my longing stares.

We pulled into the studio, and was instantly surrounded by paps and fans. It guess it was cool to know we are famous enough in America to be followed by paps, but I hated them. I did not do well with all the cameras shoved in my face and invasive questions thrown at me every two seconds, and it got worse after my breakup up with Zayn. I put on a smile, and got out of the van with the other girls in front blocking the paps from taking pictures of me. Jade knew I hated this so she grabbed my hand, her hand fit mine so well its like we were meant to be. We finally made it inside and was greeted by a crew member.

"Good morning ladies, nice to have you here. Just follow me and I will show you to your dressing room. Right this way" She lead is to our room. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." We said thank you and she left with a smile. We all sat down on the couch. Jade laid down rested her head in my lap. I ran my fingers through her hair. It felt so right.

"You know if I didnt know you two. I would think you were a couple. You guys are so cute together." Jesy grinned. Smooth Jesy real smooth. Jade smiled up at me. "If I was gay, I would totally date Pez, I mean your hot, anyone would be lucky to have you." My heart exploded with happiness. Jesy and Leigh Anne high fives each other, and Jesy patted herself on the back. I threw a pillow at them and they both doubled over in laughter. We all started tickling each other and play fighting.

Jade ended up on top of me, and it was like the whole world stopped turning and no one else existed except me and Jade. We stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever. We were interrupted by a knock on the door. Jade and I jumped away from each other. Ryan poked his head in.

"Hello girls. I just wanted to swing by, and go over a few things before the interview. Is that OK?" We all nodded, and got to work. We went over what will be sung, and what we will be OK talking about. The whole time I kept looking at Jade and I would catch her looking back. She would blush and bow her head sorta like I do whenever she looks at me. Ryan left and we finished up getting changed and getting our make up on.

We walked out to the studio, and sat down. We started talking to Ryan and the other hosts. Ryan asked if their was any thing going on between any of us, and I can see Jesy, and Leigh Anne look at Jade and I. Real subtle guys. Ryan must have caught it as well because he chuckled and said "I thought so" Before I can debunk it, the assistant started counting down to we go live.

"Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentleman. I have Little Mix in the studio with me. How are you girls?"

"Good!" We all answered in sync causing all of us to chuckle

"We are doing great. We came over here, and have had such a great reception, everyone's been really nice. We are just pooping our selves on how well everything is going" Jesy took over.

"Yeah your Mixers are very dedicated, we get about 300 requests everyday to play your music, or have you on, so here we are" Ryan chuckled

"They are. We owe everything to them. They are the best fans in the world. Always have our backs" Leigh Anne answered

"I bet they helped you Perrie with the breakup" Ryan asked you can tell he was nervous asking the question. Jade shot him a death stare.

"They have, and the girls have helped me as well. I thank my lucky stars I have these three. If I need anything they are there in a heartbeat." I smiled looking over at Jade. She smiled back. Causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"OK, do you guys want to sing Black Magic"

"Sure. We'd love to." Jesy counted us in. All throughout the performance i couldn't stop myself from looking at Jade. She looked so beautiful. She caught me looking at her and smiled at me. Before I knew it the song was over.

"You guys smile at each other when you sing, does that ever get weird" Ryan asked smiling at us.

"You know when you can't look at your friend, because you will laugh. We get in trouble sometimes" Jade answered. Ouch friend zone. We sang Love Me Like You. And Jade and I sang "no one can love me like you" to eachother. We finished that song soon, and talked to Ryan about Jesy's engagement. How we were formed, and our friendship. The interview ended, but one member wanted to hear another song. It's weird when we come to America and people are surprised we can actually sing. They are so used to artists lip syncing, or groups not being able to Harmonize. And actually like each other.

"Yeah, we can do an A Capella version of How ya Doing for you." Jesy answered. While we were performing, we could see the impressed faces of the staff, especially when Jesy stared beatboxing. Ryan said he was impressed and very entertained. We said our goodbyes and left the studio. We were dropped off at ur separate houses. Jade came in with me. She pushed me against the door. I held my breath, and surprised at what she said next. ____________________________________
Smut next chapter. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am Thankful for my family, and friends. Thank you for reading.

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