The Beginning

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SaJun P. O. V

oppa please don't leave me!!
Sorry Sajun -
*hears her mother's voice* Yah!! Wake up you sleppy head your late for school you Pabo

*Quickly changed clothes*
Eomma where's my school shoes?

What?? Sajun's mom replied

*founds the shoes*

Never mind mom!!

》》》》》fast forward》》》》》

Yey it's time for lunch!!But wait where's -
a girl's voice interrupted

Yah Sajun over here!!

Yeulgi!! Long time no see. I said

How long has it been since we last saw each other? Yuelgi said

A few months I think? I replied

Yah I think so too.. Yuelgi replied


Yaaahh!! Yeulgi shouted

Yuelgi what's wrong? I said

Seventeen's looking for a muse that's good at cooking and a good singer!! Yeulgi replied w/full of excitement

Tssskk...stop believing at those fake news Yeulgi.. I said

It's not fake you Pabo!!Thier official fan page posted it!! Yeulgi shouted while looking at me

Jinjja?!! This isn't a prank right?? I replied full with curiosity

Maybe? Yeulgi replied
* Both laughed *

Sorry for the misspelled and wrong grammar😆😆
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