??? pov

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Being different is... difficult. Not only am bullied but, I'm also transgender. As you can image, people aren't to excepting towards me. You have people who don't even have the nerve to look at me, then you have Andrew. Andrew is my best friend. Hes always been there for me. I moved here (to ohio) in the 1st  grade. From the beginning, people would bully me cause I wanted to play with dolls and color with the girls (I was not transgender at that time). The girls found me wierd because I was playing with dolls and coloring with them. They would often ask me "why don't you want to go and play with the boys?". I would simply answer with "I don't know." and continue doing what I was doing. No one wanted to be around me, except for Andrew. Andrew came up to me after about 2 weeks or so and told me "you're  different, I can tell... I like you! I didn't know what to say to that so I just sat there in silence. A while later, he opened his mouth and said "I'm Andrew". I sat there in amazement for what felt like forever until I finally said "I'm Kenny".

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