Andrew's pov

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Kenny changed that day. That was last time I saw him for a year. He didn't even say goodbye to me. When his grandma came to pick him up, that was last time I saw him. I walked home that day with my head down. My stepmom asked me what was wrong but I didn't even notice until I got to my room and shut out the rest of the world. I didn't want to go to school and I didn't want to eat or anything. I know nothing really happened to me but, I was so in shock about what had happened to Kenny. The only thing that I had the strength to do was sit and wait by my phone. A week after that my dad told me that I couldn't mope around any more and I had to face the world. I had my phone ringer on high all day just incase Kenny were to text me. Nothing.... when I walked past Kenny's "home", all his stuff was out on the curbe. I walked quickly by it and ended up at school way before the bell rang. I havent slept at all the week I was out so I slept in all my classes and ended up with a mountain of homework. The day went by slow with out him... some many people asked me where he was... I just ignored them and try to keep my head up...

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