Ch.3 The Creepypastas

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             I woke up in a room that was dark heard fuzzy voices saying 'shes up' I sat up quickly regretting is as I felt dizzy and a guy in a blue mask with black goo coming from the eye holes said "Lay down they hit you hard in the head you need to rest." I quickly pushed him away wobbling up screaming "No tell me where am! Who are you?!" "Child you are in slender mansion. I am slender man, this is Eyeless Jack." Said 'slenderman' with a staticy voice. "Why am I here I just escaped I will not be caged again! let me go!" I yelled transformed into a big wolf and growled making the 'Eyeless jack' guy backed up but the tall faceless guy put a hand on his chin and said "interesting" I was really scared but I was not going to die especially when I just escaped.

He spoke suddenly making me flinch slightly "I would like you to join the creepypastas." "...What?!" I'm not sure if this was a common thing, it's been many years since I'm been outside with other people

"I want you to join the creepypastas. you get a place to live and you can kill all you want." "....O-okay umm m-maybe..." I started thinking remembering the high I felt when I killed all the people in the lab and answered "Okay I'll join." "Lovely, now follow me I'll introduce you to the others." "..okay..." I changed back to my human form with bloody clothes and followed him down the stairs

"Everyone come here me have a new pasta to introduce you to." his voice boomed through the house and a bunch of people came down stairs he introduced them all pointing at them.

~Time skip 'cuz I'm to lazy to write it all~

I met Jeff, Toby, E.j., L.j, Jane, Ben, smile dog, hoodie, Masky, Sally, and Clockwork.

"Hi my names Cp/n or Y/n It's nice to meet you all." 'I think...' "We don't have your room ready so you will stay with E.j. for now. E.j. show her to your room." (if you wonder why not a girl shhh Its for the plot)"Okay. Follow me Cp/n" E.j. says "You can call me Y/n" I said with a small smile as I was more comfortable here now knowing it was more safe that... that place. "Alright then, follow me Y/n" and with that he lead me to a room (That I'm to lazy to describe) "You can have that bed" He point to the bed on the left side of the room that was empty. I nodded and began to strip and changed into a large T-shirt and fresh undergarments that Slenderman got 'Jane' to give to me before hoping it to bed.

~Later that night~

I was running from the scientists they had more needles and they wanted to do more tests to me make me more of a freak, or just to kill me "No!" I yelled and ran but my path was blocked by the two dead body's of my friends standing there flopping about like their lifeless body's were just puppets "Ben.... Luke?" I asked tears brimming my eyes "You left us? We TruSted You AnD yOu LefT uS! WeRE DEaD BEcAuSe OF yOU! BeCAusE YoU LEft, We'RE DeAD!" "No... I-I didn't mean to! I-I'm sorry! So so sorry!" I was backed into a corner by Ben and Like the doctors behind them. they all had evil looks on their faces as they slowly walked towards me and I screamed.

I jolted up in a cold sweat breathing heavily with tears streamed down my face I held my knees to my chest wrapping my arms around them putting my head in my knees. I looked over to E.j's bed and got up walking over to him I gently shook him awake "Hmmm?" "C-can I sleep with you? I-I had a nightmare." He looked at me with his nonexistent eyes and scoot over "Sure" This was a little surprising, I assumed he'd kick me out or yell at me but he may just have been to tired to care

"Thanks" I said as I crawled in next to him and curled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist probably already asleep again as I fell into a dreamless sleep feeling slightly more safe.

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